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    • Najah Engineering Consultants LLC 关注
    • other
      查看在易之家共有 1 位雇员
    • AbdulqaderMohammad
      1. 公司管理者
    • 电话:962-6-5514948
    • 传真:962-6-5514686
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    Najah Engineering Consultants L.L.C (NEC) was established in 2007 in Amman, the capital of Jordan. NEC strengths are in the engineering training and consulting services for the power generation industry sector, and project management. NEC services are offered to customers around the world. Our professional consultants and instructors long years of experience is employed to provide trustable consultation and training services to our valued customers. We specialize in design, consulting services and training on the diesel generators, power system, control system, switchgear, instrumentation. On the other hand we also focus on MIS, professional project management, strategic management and human resource management for industrial organizations. We also publish books and develop engineering software solutions.

    Our Vision:

    To be the best company in the Middle East who provides training and consulting services in power generation, engineering and project management.

    Our Mission:

    Offer high quality training courses, provide professional consulting services, use the expertise of the highly qualified engineers and assist organizations achieve their strategic goals.

    Professional Training:

    NEC has professional instructors and excellent training courses that are carefully prepared to satisfy the need of the engineering organizations to improve their employees and process:

    Diesel generators

    Electrical power system

    Acoustics and industrial noise control

    Career development

    Management and supervision

    Train the trainer programs

    Sales and marketing

    Project management

    Human resource management

    Consultation Services:

    Diesel generators design, manufacturing, installation and trouble-shooting

    Electrical load sizing and genset sizing

    Power system design, control and protection

    Industrial noise attenuation and control

    LV/MV switchgear system design and selection

    Power plant control and protection system design and selection

    Project management

    Software Development:

    Load sizing

    Generator sizing

    Power equipment sizing

    Acoustics and industrial noise design

    Diesel generators acoustic enclosures design

    Power system calculations

    Customized engineering design solutions

    Project management information system

    Human resource management system

    • 注册年份: 未提供
    • 公司规模:小于5职员
    • 公司性质:其他机构
    • 年营业额:
    • 出口比例: 未提供
    • 出口模式: 未提供
    • ISO认证: 未提供
    • 主营产品:other
    • 出口市场: 未提供