Fengsheng Fruits and Vegetables Refrigeration Limited Corporation. is. located. in. the international garlic .trade .center. in. the .county .of .Jinxiang , Sh -andong . Province. .It . is surrounded with beautiful environment ,. abundant. resources. and developed transportations . Since. it. was. founded , the. gover -nment has attached great importance to it and dueto. the. sense .of .competitiveness. in. the. marke r-oriented economy , the. scientific management and the .adbanced. regrigeration. equipment, .the corpo-ration enables itself to develop surprisingly fast. At present,. it has. grown into a well-known enterpriseof raw material purchasing, product processing and further processing. Our products are popular to the customers in our country and abroad. Our. management . scope .comprises . various garlic products,vegetables and fruits : .garlic,. onions,. garlic powder, .garlic slices, .carrots and peanuts. Among the foods , the natural ones are the best. All the friends and partners are welcomed to our corporation. We expect every client to cooperate with us. 山东金乡丰盛果蔬冷藏有限公司位于中国大蒜 之乡----山东金乡国际大蒜商贸城中心地段。环境优美,资源丰富, 交通畅通。公司占地面积 5000 余平方米, 固定资产 500 万元 , 冷藏能力可达2000 余吨 , 年生产能力已达 20000 吨以上。 公司自组建以来,承蒙各级政府和社会各界对丰盛的关爱,公司凭借先进的科学管理,高度的市 场竞争意识,先进的制冷设备 , 将质量上等的农副产品销往全国各地,造就了丰盛公司的迅速发展。 形成了集原料的代购、产品的加工与深加工、成品 的销售及出口贸易为一体的知名企业。深得广大客户的信赖与支持。 现主要经营大蒜、 蒜苔、洋葱、 蒜粒、蒜粉、蒜片、杂交蒜、纯白蒜、胡萝卜、花生、水果等农副产品的代购、销售、冷藏与保鲜。 海纳百川、绿于自然!丰盛公司欢迎每一位朋友,国内外客商前来参观指导、洽谈业务!