SAG - is the successful modern company, which recognizes its responsibility for the development of carpet production in the textile industry of Uzbekistan. We strive for becoming an absolute leader in CIS countries and rank among five strongest world manufacturers of high-quality carpets. For the achievement of stated objectives, we adhere to three fundamental principles of success: production development, an adaptation of high technologies and improvement of the effective model of the conduct of business.
Effective management
We are proud of our team of specialists, which provides clear organization of production processes and effective utility of company resources that, in general, provides an irreproachable implementation of assigned business tasks.
We are regular participants of international exhibitions, such as DOMOTEX in Turkey and DOMOTEX in Hannover, Germany.
Production of our company takes leading position among carpet and floor covering producers in the Republic. We also conduct active work on the promotion of SAG production abroad. As of today, high quality of offered production was evaluated by our partners from Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Afghanistan, and China.