Russian Fishery Company is an actively developing company, established in 2011 by several private Russian investors with the aim to consolidate Russian fish harvesting assets in various regions of the country. The previous name of the Company "Russian Sea Catching" was changed in 2014.
Nowadays the Company includes large Far East fish harvesting companies - OJSC TURNIF, CJSC Intraros, LLC Vostokrybprom, LLC Sovgavanryba operating in ecologically clean sea areas of Far East basin.
12 large capacity vessels of various types, including "Captain Oleynichuk", "Vladivostok", "Borodino", "Beresina", are capable to work in all fishing areas and under various climate conditions. They are equipped with modern fishing and technological equipment. The vessels are harvesting many sea species, including Pacific Salmon and Squid. Key species are Pollock and Pacific Herring.
Russian Fishery Company Far Eastern division of in Vladivostok was established to ensure transparent and efficient management model and provides operational management of Russian Fishery assets. The Company has also in Vladivostok, Russia its own dock and warehouse complex, allowing to provide vessels docking services and maintenance at minimal cost.