As a beginning, NBC is a company that mainly focuses on chocolate malted powder drink to meet the requirement of Malaysian consumers in terms of product quality, health & taste with an affordable range of price targeting all walks of life.
After the establishment of the company, NBC starts to indulge into a different approach in marketing the company's products. The transition of just merely marketing chocolate beverage into a series of healthy beverages and food products, the introduction of Health, Nutritious, Taste (HNT) has shown the commitment of the company in promoting healthy diet and lifestyle concept among consumers.
Every single product in NBC is certified with HALAL certificate to show the company's respect to every Muslims' Islamic faith all over the world. All products are manufactured by adhering to stringent Islamic requirements in terms of hygienic and sanitary conditions, where the non-Muslims will appreciate.
NBC has participated in various worldwide food exhibitions such as in China, Thailand, Singapore and et cetera. NBC strives to incorporate the ideas of beneficial nutrients in every single existing and future products, without neglecting the quality and the taste of the products!