Base of the Bridge Technology (BBT) was incorporated 1998 and is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia.
2007 fiscal year revenues of $1 / 2m; Profitable; 7 employees; private company.
Over $1m in R& D investment; US and Canadian academics and military professionals have assessed and validated the iDisc breakthrough. The most cost-effective and secure product in its class worldwide; distributed by licensed.
A growing niche market of providing custom CD / DVD manufacturing.
Our Software / Gaming and Video segments consists primarily of the replication of DVDs including new releases and catalogue titles. Our Audio / ROM segment consists primarily of the replication of audio CDs and CD ROMs. Our Distribution segment includes Online Digital Content Management, real-time video streaming and direct-to-retail distribution, warehousing, and pick, pack and ship and order fulfillment services, primarily to large retailers such as Mountain View Movies, Wal-mart, HMV, Kmart, Zellers, Sears & Kroger