purpose Mircorcirculation observation instrument is an advanced medical instrument, It’s use for check up the capillary vessel of finger, it can display realtime and clearly. Abroad use in early diagnosis kinds of deaseases,for example, diseases of blood vessel, hypertension, apoplexy,saccharine diabetes,and rheumatic arthritis etc.Operate is briefness, quick, no hurt and any side-effect.,at the same time , it’s very import in the many fileds, like health protection, health consultation, reconnaissance, hairdressing sonsultation.
Parameter:1、 Microscope : 200X2、 Achromatism lends: 5X,working rang 25mm3、 Up and down scope: 25mm4、 Length and breadth scope:a)length:25mm b)brdadth:25mm5、 Light source:input 220V 50Hz6、 Light bulb:220V 125W7、 Fuse:5A8、 Fiber :diameter 6mm length:1000mm 9、 transmittance >70%10、 CCD power supply:12V