Aluminum silicate
In the coating
1, replace part of titanium dioxide superfine aluminum silicate, dry film covering power won't change, and can improve the whiteness of paint. If the amount of titanium dioxide, obviously improve the dry film covering power, greatly improve whiteness.
2, super fine aluminum silicate PH range of 9.7-10.8, it has a PH buffer. Especially in vinyl acetate latex paint storage process can prevent the decrease of PH values resulting from vinyl acetate hydrolysis phenomenon, and increases the dispersion stability of emulsioni paint, at the same time to avoid the metal container walls subjected to corrosion.
3, super fine aluminum silicate slightly thickening, grid structure makes the emulsioni paint system, has the very good suspension property, and prevent the sink of solids and surface water.
4, ultra-fine aluminum silicate to scrubbing resistance of latex paint film has good table dry, weatherability, and can shorten the time.
5, ultra-fine aluminum silicate has extinction effect, so in the half light, matt can serve as a kind of economic delustering agent, in a light paint should not be used.