Our company, which was found in 2001 is the leading pyrethrum producer in China. The growing area is currently extended to 2000 hectare with the dried flowers’ output of over 2500 tons per year. We have successfully applied to the pyrethrum extraction, and guarantees high quality Pyrethrins of 25%--70%.We not only supply Pyrethrins, Rotenone, Osthole, Pyrethrum Marc, but also produce many kinds of organic insecticides which can be used for public health and crop protection (for rice, tea, fruit, pet insecticides , household insecticides etc.). Our insecticides enjoy a good reputation in China.
All of our products are all natural without chemicals and have low toxicity to human. It is non-persistent and has rapid knock-down effect.
The unique properties of pyrethrins are:
1. Proven safety to humans following extensive use for over 150 years as human antihelminthic, as a personal insect repellant applied to the skin, and for the control of human lice.
2. Very rapid paralytic action on insects identified as the “quick knock-down effect”.
3. Very wide spectrum of activity against different insects.
4. Unique in action against mosquitoes, with a very high toxicity, a pronounced repellant effect and the ability of sub-lethal doses to disorientate the female mosquito to the extent that she cannot “bite” to obtain a blood meal.
5. No residues which have any biological activity.
6. No persistence in the environment.
7. The charisma of a natural product obtained from a white flower.