NOTE: THIS ARTICLE COMES FROM pierreJones (YANQUAN INTERNATIONAL(DONGGUAN)CO;LTD General manager) 发表于:2009-02-03 08:58:49
“Because word-of-mouth advocacy is organic and democratic and because consumers control so much of its power, it can appear scary and unpredictable to marketers. It shouldn’t be. What we’ve seen, time and again, is that positive word-of-mouth happens when a certain number of key factors are present in a brand story. We call these factors the engines of Conversational Capital.” —Bertrand Cesvet, Tony Babinski & Eric Alper 「由於口碑推薦是自發而民主的,而且其力量絕大部分掌握在消費者手中,因此對行銷人員來說可能會感到畏懼且難以預測。其實並不至於此,我們屢次觀察到,只要能在品牌故事中呈現特定幾項關鍵要素,就會產生正面的口碑,我們稱這些要素為口碑資本的引擎。」——賽斯維特、巴賓斯基 & 艾爾伯