I have been in our company for about two months,meanwhile i gained no order on stair. that 's really upset me a lot.
With the help of this website I do gain some buyers' information for free,but i don't how to write to them, how could the e-mails be attractive to my potential clients?
I am puzzled ,who can help me?
Great thanks to you!
today i sent my e-mails to my potential clients in another way: i add some beautiful pictures in it ,do you it is useful to do so ? Thank you,my dear friends! ^_^
really? i am curious about it. i didnt make a skype before.*_* can it be used in the same way as other call made by mob or fixed line call?
u can got a web call "skype", its very convinient and economical for an international call
Thank you very much! i will have a try. Meanwhile the problem is that i can't make an international call in my office phone.