As it is known to all, as a sale people in the foreign trade company have to deal with many email every day. It is one important parts of doing business with the foreigners, what I would like to share is this business deal. I got the inquiry on Mar 3, it is about the launch x431 tool Bluetooth, I was so happy about that. I replied the customer's email with every detail of the product, I didn't get his reply after I reply the email, about 3 days past, then I wrote an email to him again, then I got reply from him (this email is in Russian, so I realized that I shouldn’t write in English, luckily it is not too late, I can use the Russian to talk with him from now on), but he said he get a better price. In this case I talked with my colleague to find out the best idea then replied his email. After sending this email, he talk about the payment, he asked me to sent the invoice to him, I did it at the soonest time and checked it twice before I sent it. After sending the document, I was waiting for his email. A few days past again, I didn't get his reply, so I wrote to him, I got the email the next day, this time he asked more information about the launch x431, I was wondering if he want to buy the diagnostic tools or not, anyway I had to treat him with patiently and from the bottom of my heart. He asked for the price of the launch x431 series, so I did some research and made a document then wrote back to him. He replied me very fast, he required me to send the invoice including the launch x-431 diagun and the launch super 16 connector, I made the invoice very carefully and calculate very figure accurately, then I sent to him, he didn’t reply me as quickly as last time, I guessed that he need time to think about the matter. I received the reply the next day, and he said will do the payment today or Saturday, in addition he seemed like to buy another tool, but after I sent the email to confirm the information from him, he replied me with the Bank Receipt, I was so happy about this. I didn’t think that he will do the payment in this short time, in this situation I replied back to him and asked for the shipment address and the other details. It is almost close a deal, what I need to do next is arrange the shipment and do the after sale service work.
I admire your courage,
but there are many grammatical errors in your article.