类型一:前一词以“持续音+/t/ /d/“”结尾,后一词以辅音开头,则其中/t/ /d/失音
/st/+辅音 /ft/+辅音 /Ft/+辅音 /nd/+辅音 /ld/+辅音 /zd/+辅音 /Td/+辅音
/vd/+辅音 /Wt/+辅音 /md/+辅音 /Nd/+辅音 /nt/+辅音 /lt/+辅音
² /st/+/p/ dust pan /dQs pAn/
² /st/+/t/ next to /neks tu:/
² /st/+/k/ last class /lB:s klB:s/
² /st/+/f/ best friend /bes frend/
² /st/+/s/ fast society /fB:s sE`saiEti/
² /st/+/W/ first theme /fEs Wi:m/
² /st/+/F/ worst show /wEs FEu/
² /st/+/tF/ last chance / las tFB:s/
² /st/+/b/ burst bubble /bEs bQbl/
² /st/+/d/ next day / neks dei/
² /st/+/g/ almost got / R:lm[us gRt/
² /st/+/v/ last version /lB:s `v[:F[n/
² /st/+/z/ best zone /bes z[un/
² /st/+/T/ noticed that /n[utis TAt/
² /st/+/h/ first hair /fE:s hiE/
² /st/+/dV/ wrist jewelry /ris dVu:[lri/
² /st/+/l/ first light /fE:s lait/
² /st/+/m/ depressed mood /di`pres mu:d/
² /st/+/n/ suppressed newspaper /sE`pres `nu:speip[/
² /st/+/w/ just one / dVQs wQn/
² /st/+/j/ last European empire /lB:s ju[r[`pi[n `empai[/
² /st/+/r/ west region /wes `ri: dVEn/
² /ft/+/p/ shift personality /Fif pE:sE`nAliti/
² /ft/+/t/ left turn /lef tE:n/
² /ft/+/k/ shift key /Fif ki:/
² /ft/+/f/ shift for oneself /Fi fR: wQn`self/
² /ft/+/s/ soft centre /fCf fentE/
² /ft/+/W/ shift theme /Fif Wi:m/
² /ft/+/F/ gift share /gif FZE/
² /ft/+/tF/ drift channel /drif tFAnl/
² /ft/+/b/ drift by /drif bai/
² /ft/+/d/ drift distance /drif `distEns/
² /ft/+/g/ shift gears /Fif gi[z/
² /ft/+/v/ rift valley /rif `vAli/
² /ft/+/z/ shift zeal /Fif zi:l/
² /ft/+/T/ shift the target /Fif T[ `tB:git/
² /ft/+/h/ shift hairstyle /Fif `hZEstail/
² /ft/+/dV/ shift joint /Fif dVRint/
² /ft/+/l/ shift learning /Fif l[:niN/
² /ft/+/m/ shift matrix /Fif `meitriks/
² /ft/+/n/ drift net /drif net/
² /ft/+/w/ left wheel /lef wi:l/
² /ft/+/j/ shift Europe into several countries /Fif `juErEp/
² /ft/+/r/ shift reaction /Fif ri:`AkFEn/