Meeting Summary
Meeting time:Nov.06/2008
Meeting place:XXXXX factory
Participants: Jin Kim(customer part)
Ms.Tracy Wan,Mr.Eric Li and factory engineers(factory part)
Meeting Content
1).Both introduce the company profile and main products application for FPC aspect.
2).Discuss news:
Projects(all together three):
Refer to ZIF adaptor which was finished,there are still have two problems,one is we need bend some places as Jin showed(have drawings) in order customer can easily to beed them when assembly,but anyway it will be effective from next order as Mr.Jin Kim announced.The other is we need to enlarge the annular ring to 5mil in order we can keep our capability,this will be solved/clarified when the customer test the boards(we already offered one panel to Jin for testing).
Another one was Rigid & Flex_SS6G_PUFTSK2813,this one was still in offering prices stage,it had some design review problems,but after our engineers discussed with Mr.Jin Kim face to face,it can be solved.That’s we need to send the updated gerber data which we should be updated refer to Jin’s explanation for their approval.
Last one was the one application for USB products,Mr.Jin Kim already provided us a sample for study,but anyway he will send us the gerber data for our further investigating,then we need to wait it.
There are two projects still need to be offering the prices to customer,that’s the parts Rigid & Flex_SS6G_PUFTSK2813 and the USB part,prices will be offered after all technic problems be clarified.
Ouality Performance:
Engineering stage was not so good,we need try to understand and meet customer’s requirements,it will be so great if no EQs raised,but anyway it depends.
The leadtime for the samples should be better if it can improved.
Service Level:
Customer will be much appreciated if we can take quick responses for their every e-mails or requirements.