Hello XX,
You are quite correct I am extremely busy every day and I would imagine so other business men. I have talked to other men in similar business to us and they also regard all the emails they receive everyday from suppliers around the world as a waste of time and annoying.
I’m not sure if I can help you but I have a few suggestions re email marketing.
? If you send emails to new companies I would include a list of customers that you currently export to in various countries
? I would also include customer testimonials from your buyers. This are very powerful and give you credibility.
? Try to word your email differently from all the other suppliers. They all look and sound the same so most of them will be deleted or ignored immediately
If you want to be noticed and if you want your email to be read you must be different and create an email that is interesting and will catch the attention of your prospective customer. If you don’t then you will be rejected just like all the others. Remember that companies like us and others who import product are very concerned about quality control of products.
Unfortunately China has gained a reputation as a supplier of cheap but poor quality products. Price is always important but it is not the MOST important part of a product.
2, 写出进口商对于你产品的评价,这是相当有分量的,可以增加你的信用度,
[ 本帖最后由 monstertalk 于 2008-3-28 16:16 编辑 ]
他们对于陌生的公司都是不是很信任, 而那些已经有合作记录的, 往往符合澳洲的质量标准, 不需要很多时间跟经理去研究, 同时为了表示自己的忠诚, 在合作没有问题的情况下, 通常都是按原先途径进行业务的.
对于业务的忠诚度相对来说也比较高 但不是说完全没有突破口 这个要各位自己体会了 呵呵
当然 他们的确是比较空闲的...
QUOTE:原帖由 loy_zhou 于 2008-3-24 18:19 发表
他们对于陌生的公司都是不是很信任, 而那些已经有合作记录的, 往往符合澳洲的质量标准, 不需要很多时间跟经理去研究, 同时为了表示自己的忠诚, 在合作没有问题的情况下, 通常都是按原 ...
I appreciate your reply and I understand that you may be confused so I will try to help you. I know you did not intend to offend me.
Every day we receive many many emails from our customers. We also receive many emails from stone suppliers in Asia, Turkey, India and especially China wanting to sell us their products.
We receive so many emails from stone suppliers in China that it becomes very annoying and we regard them as spam and I get annoyed at having to reply to them.
We regard them as a nuisance as we are trying to operate our business and don’t need spam emails.
So if any companies in Australia, USA or Europe tell you they are not interested and maybe they are rude, then it is because they are tired of receiving so many emails.
I hope you understand that it is not personal but our company, like many companies in Australia and elsewhere, do not want to receive any emails from stone suppliers.