前天是七夕,我告诉客户说是情人节,客户问我怎么过的,我开玩笑说自己给自己写封情书。客户笑了笑说这样很有趣,问我怎么写,我说还没想到呢。今天打开邮箱就看到了他写的情书。呵呵,觉得很开心。谢谢你 Alex
Dear dear Shalier
Missed you a lot for every moment yesterday which was a special day in many ways.I am still to find out why I missed you so much...perhaps you could tell me.
I do not know what love is ..perhaps I know...but may be I am wrong.No idea...its so confusing.Ah!
I'm not going to look for love. I'm going to let you to find me and if I never find it, then it wasn't meant to be. I think we come from two different cultures. Blending them will be exciting. We must have mutual repect and admiration for each other. I feel love is like crystal. Its so difficult to create but so easy to break...But do not easily discard love. Some never find this treasure, many find and lose. Some discard it lightly as if it were of little value and can be easily replaced. The ability to love and be loved is the most precious of gifts given to mankind.
So long.
Haha...how do you find it?well.. you are cute ,intelligent and naughty too.Sorry , there is no picture of mine in my laptop Its full of stone pictures only.But would find one and send you.
Take it easy ..and I wish that someone finds you as soon as possible.
ok my female friend.Have a beautiful day!
朋友啊,你們不明白嗎,這只是他的一封模擬的情信而已,不是真的情信啊,他在最後的一段不是說了嗎,怎麼你們會把他這封信看成了真情表白的。 他這封信寫得亂七八糟鈷,怎麼還會有這麼多的人讚賞的。 套用你們的用語 "汗,汗,汗"呵呵 John
这样的英文也确实是……汗!Let 后面还加to的哦,错误。 不过,这才让我想起,我一印度客户也发了EMAIL给我,发了图片,只是我没回。之前关系是很好,可是后来的ORDER不了了之,也不怎么想联系了。
还好吧,至少里面有一句觉得很对:I feel love is like crystal. Its so difficult to create but so easy to break...
本来觉得写得挺含蓄的,被楼上的一位一批评,没感觉了,就感觉自已英文好象也很差,都没发现那些错误,还看得津津有味的呢?? 虽然看得也有点混乱的感觉。
至於他的那句話應該可以改為: I miss you a lot I miss you every moment a lot 與 every moment 都表示很想念,不應將其寫成 I miss you a lot , every moment 了. 我這樣解釋各位同意嗎? John
如果要作時時刻刻用則不能加 for 例如: Every moment was devoted to study. For the moment 則是暫時的,目前的意思: I can leave the window open for the moment 如果要作此時此刻用則要加 at 例如: I want to do it at this moment, I want to do it at the moment. 至於 at every moment 則是不斷地的意思,例如: I have to remind you at every moment.
本來只想說一句,不過看了第二句之後,意尤未盡,要再說一下。 I am still to find out why I missed you so much...perhaps you could tell me. 中文的翻譯應該是: "我仍然在找出為什麼我這樣想念你,.....或者,你可以告訴我。" 天,這是什麼,本來只想說他英文不成,現在發現他連說話都有問題了,他不知道他為什麼會想念你,要你去告訴他,真搞笑。哈哈
至於這封英文情信,我不知道他寫些什麼 就拿他第一句的英文來說吧,Missed you a lot for every moment 這算是什麼英文,moment 是一會的意思。是應該不能這樣用的,也不知道他是說現在,還有說過去,比較好的說法應該是: I miss you a lot I missed you a lot yesterday I miss you every minute I missed you every minute yesterday John
我對他們印象奇差,我剛出道的時候和印度人打過工,也算是見過一些印度人和 Ceylon 人,發覺這些用右手抓飯吃,左手洗屁股的人(用完廁所他們不用紙的),連自己的親兄弟都騙的。 還有,他們挺會罵人的,那個時候他們叫我的名字是 " You Bloody silly fool " 呵呵 你呀,要小心,別讓他騙了。 John