We are buyers and are interested in your products on Alibaba.com to make quick order we need 50,000 pieces of each, exact sample,i hope your terms and conditions are right.We have a list of your products with their specifications which we are interested in.Please click for the Product Sample for full details of our order on the Alibaba (Hotmail) auction and confirm to us prices,payment terms,warranty and also delivery time.
Mr. Stephan
manro Performance chemicals
我木有打开这个链接。 关键是我很少用阿里的, 阿里肯定没有我263邮箱滴。 傻骗子!!!
前几天刚刚受骗, 点击链接进去,让我输入邮箱和密码,于是乎,我就把一个不常用的扣扣邮箱和密码输进去, 结果什么也木有 !可是我毕竟是企业邮箱点击进去的, 我还是把密码都改了。
But,第二天我登录介个扣扣的时候,大红字体显示,上次登录IP地址是美国,我汗呢。 幸亏噢!!
我郁闷呢, 客户没等来,来了个大骗子,混球呐!!!!画个圈圈诅咒你!!!!
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