家好,一下是我最近一直工作以来总结的一些规律和一些取得过成绩和回复的一些模版,希望能够对大家有帮助。MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE!
在深圳第二家公司已经一个半月了,虽然前几份工作都是做跟单,但是我对于电子商务的兴趣一次没有减少,每次的操作都会总结出新的规律,只用了是在B2B网站的询盘信,还是 INTERNET门户网站发送信件,还是报价的模版,CATALOGUE模版,信函格式模版。虽然在前几份工作里一直有着明显的阻力,但是现在已经越来越顺手,一个多月,联系的客户已经有20个,样品单3个在谈,寄粗PATCH一份,八月有三个客户要来,每天可以收到回复。虽然现在没有下单,但是这些成果只是在一个环境下完成:
可是开始的500封根本没人回复,从第二星期起我就放弃了所有的公司现有资料。开始做B2B和在搜索引擎上找客户。B2B上的所有资料实际上你只在一个地方做详细了,所有的其他B2B都可以套用,你可以以www.ecplaza.com来做一个模版,但是此B2B回复几乎为零。而引擎主要是你卖产品的关键字 ,你直接开那些RETAILER有价格的网站,然后找CONTACT US或者是填写FEEDBACK的表格。而你写信这个程序非常重要,你既没有见过对方,对方也没见过你的产品,你并不是收费用户,也没在展会见过你,这时你的专业性非常重要,不仅仅是报价和做宣传这么简单,一定要从整个印象和布局方面着手。不过从一开始,我就发现商业信函的格式的重要性,我开始从网站里群发转行为FOXMAIL,以超连接来改变字体,而我所有的信函都是以12号ARIAL字体,然后价格部分全部以红色标记,附件里以自己做的一个CATALOGUE模版(此模版的前身为国外客户发给我的),而将CATALOGUE加上价格就变成QUOTATION,而具体的详细资料全部是找工厂厚着脸皮要他们把出过货的装箱单传过来。然后在国外网站上看相关产品描述,结合自身材料将它描述出来,再加上CBM和尺寸,而图片一定要漂亮,但是别人感兴趣以后一定要向对方发送展厅样品的图片。虽然是卖图片,但是别人那里的货还是你做的产品。最后你将所有的详细资料传到一个B2B网站里,然后复制到其他10几个B2B,马上你就会接到询盘的。
Regarding the specifics.Please omit my previous and refer to belows:
Name:chair and ottoman set.
Item NO.:HZ-CF004 (revised)
color:Available in black/white/any colors
Material:upholstered genuine full grain Italian leather imported from Italy(hand woven)
Frame:304 polished stainless steel,
patchwork:UK fire resistant standard/high quality polyurethane foam.
zipper :at bottom
Remark:35 density foam at back cushion.(softer)
45 density foam at seat cushion.(harder)
MOQ:20'ft (20'ft is costly,we can give you a better price based on the quantity)
Loading Capacity reference(set):
Delivery time:can you inform me which port?
Italian leather Unit price:
Barcelona chair:USD.. FOB Shenzhen
ottoman:USD.. FOB Shenzhen
Set:USD.. FOB Shenzhen
Payment/C or T/T,30% Deposit T/T in advance,blance T/T or L/C at sight before delivery.
The Chinese full leather without UK standard:USD/set
202 stainless steel frame.not apparently polished
China leather
45 density foam at back cushion.(softer)
55 density foam at seat cushion.(harder)
the other specifics same as the revised one.
the other products
barcelona chair
We are flexible to your specific requirements.
The above data is just for your reference.
Yours Sincerely
Joe Lau完全没一句废话的把整个产品描述出来,而且和客户是一个个产品,一个个玩,其他的报价我也不会轻易给他,然后附件里是现场图片和文档式的报价。但是这一种回复率虽然多,但是还是相关资料会让客户觉得烦琐,复杂,麻烦。每次只回复几句就完了,而且我还得到处收集资料,和工厂核对。后来我又写了一种新的模版:
Well received your enquiry from with many thanks.
Firstly please find the catalogue of the classic items as per attached.enclosed with an art furniture quotation.
Our website:www..com
and the www..cn is also under construction.
Regarding the pricing we just have the quotation of the highest quality:
Upholstered in Italian leather,frame to polished #304 stainless steel and foam to UK fire resistant standard.
If you have any interest please let me know. also I have several questions hopefully you can answer.
1,Have you imported from China?
2,Your shop yearly turnover capacity.
3,Are you selling to domestic or worldwide?
4,Are you a retailer or a distributor in Netherland?
And the below information are just for your reference:
Payment/C or T/T,30% Deposit T/T in advance,blance T/T or L/C at sight
before delivery.
Delivery time:depend on quantity of order
Sample cost/availability:charge
We'd appreciate any sample orders.
we will consider to deduct the sample charge from the first qty order.
We recommend to use Chinese air express because it is more cheaper than your country.
For port information you offer us we will let you know the approx freight shipping period and charge in netherland.
Material confirmation - sample order comfirmation - qty order this way is most preferable way of doing business for both of us.
The approx air express freight charge:depend on orders and weight.
For any necessary please feel free to contact me in your convenience.
Welcome to China and our factory and hoping we can have a successful business cooperation in the near future.
Many thanks and best regards
Ciao ciao!
Yours Sincerely
Joe Lau
这一种信就使自己比较主动,主动询问对方问题,希望对方拿出诚意再对其报价。吊一下胃口,但是道高一尺,魔高一丈,很多客户的回复依然是:send prices please.之类的话,而这时我有时还是给部分报价,一个一个的吊。但是很多人太笼统了我也许就直接报给他,因为询盘多了,哪有太多时间去处理那么多问题。
Joe lau sales executive Modern classic Business Dept
China (H.k.)Co.,Ltd
Perfume Pearl Garden,World Trade Center,Shennan Road.
Futian District,Shenzhen,China.
website:www..com E-mail:info@ com
How are you doing in last weekend?
From Shenzhen,China to Rotterdam,Netherlands.
Shipping period: days.
FOB means you will pay the O/F,BAF,CAF
We will pay the ORC/DOC.
C&F means we will handle all charge and quote you a C&F price.
IF we quote you the FOB price then you may pay the below price to your forwarder.
20'ft :USD to Rotterdam
40'ft :USD to Rotterdam
40'HQ:USD to Rotterdam
if we quote C&F price.
100pcs sofa means a 40'ft container.
FOB price:usd/pc
it will add USD/pc for a 40'ft
That means USD/pc C&F Rotterdam.
Also it reserved several CBM after loading 100pcs of sofa.how about the Isamu table,it is just USD/pc and it's heavy but smaller in CBM.(0.09cbm)
Walnut wood legs and 19mm tempered glass.lacqured in Black or walnut color.
What you say?
Please let me know.also there are two pictures of our last order.also for Noguchi table pictures.
Yours sincerely
Joe Lau而把CIF的运费相应的告知出来,会让客户大约知道进口到国内,拖车到自己商店里,要多少钱,然后以什么价格卖出去,这样会更好的使客户下决定是否要买。