Michael, 是不是每年都有这么多人来中央公园滑冰?
M: Yes, it's free. My friend Josh said he would be coming to ice-skate with his girlfriend Emily today. Oh, By the way, Li Hua, did you tell Simon that Josh and Emily are getting married soon? I just need...
L: 是,那天我不小心告诉了Simon。我知道Josh和Emily现在还不想公开他们准备结婚的计划,不过我真不是故意的。
M: Geez, Li Hua, you have such a bigmouth!
L: 你生气了?肯定是骂我。说我是bigmouth,大嘴巴!你是说我吃很多东西吗?
M: No, I'm saying you talk a lot about other people's business!
L: 噢, 你不是说我嘴巴大,而是说我多嘴,爱嚼舌头,谈论别人。
M: That makes you a bigmouth.
L: 我们女孩子都喜欢谈论别人。不过,Michael,我从来没在书上看到过这个词,是不是一般在口语里用?
M: Yes, it is usually used in informal speech.
L: Michael,我真不应该那么多嘴,把 Josh和Emily准备结婚的事告诉别人。
M: Well, don't worry about it. I tend to pig out and you're a bigmouth. Everyone has their faults.
L: 哟,你倒是想得开,人人有缺点,你爱象猪那样吃,我爱谈论别人。这样就好象什么事也没了!
M: Just don't be a person who eats like a pig and also is a bigmouth.
L: 对,这两个缺点都有那就糟了。 走吧,该会学校去念书了。
今天Michael和李华在纽约中央公园,一面看许多人滑冰,一面聊天。李华从Michael 那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是pig out,就是吃很多东西的意思;另一个是bigmouth,就是多嘴的人。,