if someone tease you once, it is his fault if someone tease you twice, it is your fault。
Great minds discuss ideas
average minds discuss events
small minds discuss people
we always like discuss some one......
really very good ! yesterday is history ,tommorrow is mistory,today is a gift
he who lose money loses much he who lose a friend loses much more he who lose trusts loses all
many people will walk in and out of your life only true friend will leave footprint in your heart 我喜欢这句.
Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events small minds discuss people is very good
[color=orange:24fb7277dc]其实这才是原创,外国人给翻译去学习了,我们又当原创给翻译过来[/color:24fb7277dc] :D :D 有人走进我们的生命 有人离我们远去 唯有真正的朋友永驻我心深处 爱自己 爱他人 生气只会伤害自己 伤害他人 如果一个人取笑你 可能是他的不对 如果两个人笑话你 问题肯定在你 智者交流方法 庸者就事论事 小人背后说人 失去金钱你可能失去一些 失去朋友你将损失更多 失去信任你将失去一切 昨天已成历史 明天将是未知 今天才是最好的礼物 用心对待 让今天成为生命中最美的一天
Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events small minds discuss people I like that part of the poem.
The poem is very beautiful. "many people will walk in and out of your life only true friend will leave footprint in your heart to look after yourself, use your head to look after others, use your heart " is my love best. Thank you for sharing.