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      Furnbird Pty Ltd. (R0011) 80 Fairbank Road, Clayton Vic., Australia Tel:03-85498318 Fax:03-95403059/95403080 E-mail:furnbird@furnbird.com.au http://www.furnbird.com.au Attn:Jack Chen Subject:Furnbird main line is garden products and outdoor furniture. Looking for Taiwanese companies, who are interested in Australian market, and can utilize the company distribution net work. Issue:68   Senior Cotton Trader (R0572) London, England Tel/Fax: 44-208-7727852 Attn: Mr. G. Sam Proposal to establish a local raw cotton purchasing office (branch office) in west Africa Mr. Svetlana L. (R0599) Tel: 38-512-243079 Fax: 38-512-242314 E-mail: office@anbl.mk.ua Looking for business contact (produce leather goods). Mr. Rand Wood (CL3574) Mobile: 416-7268511 E-mail: rawood@home.com 該加拿大商係代表一群商業仲介團體。經營原油、 油產品、鋼鐵品、大宗穀物、煙酒、寶石及鑽石礦 等等;亦有興趣與我商合資開發廢棄物處理以及運 籌業務。 De AR Marketing Managemnet Pvt Ltd. (OT2395) 28.85, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008, India Tel: 91-11-5781431 Fax: 91-11-5821463 E-mail: dayalsingh@hotmail.com Attn: Mr. Dayal Singh Looking for distributorship for non products in India. Pure Lift U.K. Ltd. (HO304) F-2635 B, Palam Vihar Gurgaon 122 017, India Tel/Fax: 91-6360113 E-mail: scjolly@vsn1.com Attn: Mr. S.C. Jolly Interested in offering buying services --- home furnishing items like bed, table, kitchen. Hi-Tech International (OT2404) 4/14, Palladam Road, Opp Tamilnadu Theatre Veerapnadi, Tiruppur 641 605, India Tel: 91-421-713002, 713003 Fax: 91-421-710092 E-mail: knittech@eth.net Attn: Mr. C. Justin Babou Trade fair organizer.     Issue:66   De AR Marketing Managemnet Pvt Ltd. (OT2395) 28.85, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008, India Tel: 91-11-5781431 Fax: 91-11-5821463 E-mail: dayalsingh@hotmail.com Attn: Mr. Dayal Singh Looking for distributorship for non products in India.   Issue:65 Cyclop International Limited (OT2394) P.O. Box 541, London, CR9 5QN, UK Tel:44-20-8654-5889 Fax:44-20-8654-4144 E-mail:jkillick@worldbanknet.com Attn:Mr. Jack Killick Subject:英商C公司係提供國際貿易融資 業務網路加值服務之業者,主要業務為透 過該公司網路服務,協助進出口業者在該 公司銀行會員中,尋求提供渠等單筆最佳 國際融資條件之銀行業者。擬在台尋求相 關合作伙伴,有興趣者請逕洽該公司。 Issue:64 LithAsia Promotion Agency (R0494) Pashilaichiu 2-74, LT 2022 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel:370-2-310302 Fax:370-2-310308 E-mail:lithasia@takas.lt Attn:Ms. Viktorija Subject:Looking for companies that are in need of consultations and assistance in expansion of its business in Lithuania. Unilat Corporation Sia (OT2389) Smilsu iela, 18-2 Riga, LV-1050, Latvia Tel:371-7-222888 Fax:371-7-227770 E-mail:unilat.corp@neonet.lv Attn:Ansis Abragams Subject:主要從事協助外資投資拉國及推動 貿易計畫兩類活動,其營業項目包括提供市 場研究調查、投資評估、財務規劃等。 Mohsen Babatin Trading Est. (OT2386) Saudi Arabia Tel:966-2-6431843 Fax:966-2-6439120 Attn:Abdul Latif Mirdad Subject:Commission agent. Issue:63 Al Helabi Trading Agency (OT2372) Saudi Arabia Tel:966-2-6481356 Fax:966-2-6481513 E-mail:lachu@zajil.net Attn:Prakash Nagdeo Subject:Commission agent. Hayat Trading Est. (OT2374) Saudi Arabia Fax:966-2-6440717 E-mail:chawla@zajil.net Attn:Nasir Saeed Chawla, Manager Subject:Commission agent. Issue:62 Royal Trading International (R0437) Bangladesh Tel:880-2-9716960 Fax:880-2-9563308 Attn:M.Q. Ahsan Subject:Want to export live crabs & fzn crabs, dry fishmaws, fzn ribbon fish, & import polyester sewing thread, PP woven bard making machine, G.I. wire making machine, polyester texturized yarn. Issue:61 SouthCorp Water Heater (EL1278) Australian Business Centre Tel:886-2-87264226 Fax:886-2-27576707 E-mail:suzie.cheng@austrade.gov.au Attn:Suzie Cheng Subject:S公司為澳洲熱水器第一大廠, 供應瓦斯及電熱式之大型(100公升以上)儲水 式熱水器,適於商業及家庭用。另一較小型掛 壁式的開水機適用於商業廚房、公司行號、 商業大樓、餐廳及醫院診所。擬在台尋求合作廠商。 Issue:60 SDW Import & Export Agencies (R0382) 113 Salisbury Road, Totton, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 3HZ, England, UK Tel:44-23-80369495 Mobile:07880-737744 E-mail:sdwagencies@ic24.net Attn:Mr. S D Wyeth Managing Director Subject:Looking for suppliers and exporters of computers and hardware, DVD players, furniture, sports equipment, toys, cars, car parts and accessories. Dimpee Distributors (CL3512) Plot No. 6/2, 1st Floor, Sainagar appt, St Anthony Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071, India Tel:5502463 Fax:5517799 Attn:Mr. N K B Panjwani Subject:Want to export resist salt, industrial salt and diagrams, & import ammonium nitrate (drill). Rambha Exports (TE1135) IX/6185, Chowk Jain Mandir Street, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110031, India Tel:91-11-2464900 Fax:91-11-2452020 Attn:Mr. Harish Puniani Subject:Looking for textile mfrs and agents. Issue:59 Yekta Arsh Yazd Co. (R0384) P.O. Box 89165-1155, Yazd, Iran Tel:98-351-840676 Fax:98-351-842548 Mobile:98-911-351-6132 E-mail:mirzaesmaeil@hotmail.com mirzaesmaeil@mail.com http://persia.iranseek.com http:/www.tradezone.com/tradesites/persia.html Attn:Mr. Mirza Esmaeil Subject:Want to import hybrid seeds, greenhouse Accessories, chemicals, spices, & export dried fruits & nuts, pistachio, dried grapes, dates saffron, etc. Issue:58 Potato Industry Plant "GLOWNO" S.A. (R0337) 95-015 Glowno, ul. Lodzka 2, Poland Tel:02-2757-6140 Fax:02-2757-6086 Attn:Florian S. Buks Representative & Director of the Warsaw Trade Office in Taipei Subject:Seeking the prospective opportunity to cooperate with Taiwanese company. (They might participate in the great coming fair- Euro Gate 2000 which will be held in TWTC during August 24-27, 2000) Expo Vakarai Ltd. (R0316) Lithuania Tel:370-6-313290 Fax:370-6-344438 E-mail:info@expo-vakarai.lt http://www.expo-vakarai.lt Attn:Tomas Gukauskas Exhibition Manager Subject:Looking for institution or company that can be company representative/agents in Taiwan and to cooperate to present Taiwan producers and service suppliers in Lithuania. Mondial Impex (R0325) Palais de la Scala, 1 avenue Henry Dunant, MC 98000 Monaco Tel:377-97-705955 Fax:377-97-704517 E-mail:impex@tekworld.mc Attn:Vanessa Jourdan Subject:Want to import & export interior furniture, garden ornaments, clothing, leather work, gifts, etc. SIGMA (OT2360) Km 3-1/2, Boulevard del Ejercito Nacional, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America Tel:503-277-1686 Fax:503-227-1514 E-mail:ravila@sigmaq.com Attn:Mr. Ricardo Avila Corporate Vice President Key Accounts Subject:擬尋求台灣有興趣與其合資之包裝材料製造廠商,共同拓展集團業務及海外市場。 Kora Koks Ltd. (OT2362) Str. Liela 47, Kraslava, Latvia, LV-5600 E-mail:nkupcis@oic.lv Attn:Normunds Kupcis Subject:K公司為啦脫維亞知名木製傢具公司, 擬尋找合作(含代工)夥伴。(該公司將於8月22日 至28日赴華參加第二屆「新歐洲商品暨旅遊展」) Issue:57 Siauliu Tauro Televizorial Co. (EL1268) Room 602, Elizabetes Str. 2A, Riga, LV-1340, Latvia Tel:371-7830125 Fax:371-7323268 Subject:S公司為立陶宛彩色電視機生產廠商, 亟盼在本年底前續獲外商投資。 Bellstone Hitech International (OT2355) 3755, Chawari Bazar, Delhi 110 006, India Tel:91-11-3911821 Fax:91-11-3917561 E-mail:japsin@vsnl.com Attn:Mr. Amit Sethi Subject:Want to invite Taiwanese companies to participate in our mega industrial dept store. First time in India. Issue:56 The BC Pea Growers Ltd. (R0264) #300-3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5R 5W2 Tel:604-788-2398 Fax:604-468-8778 E-mail:paulliu13@home.com Attn:Paul Liu Subject:Searching for an long-term exclusive agent to market of dried marrowfat peas from Canada. Siera-Pacific (R0311) 41 Baddeley Avenue, Kohimarama, Auckland, New Zealand Tel:64-9-521-0112 Fax:64-9-528-4897 E-mail:sierra-pacific@xtra.co.nz Attn:Aleksandar Ivanovski Imports:Looking for manufacturers of CD-R's, motherboards, SDRAM, EDO, HDD, monitor, etc. Sikka Group of Industries (MA2880) India Tel:91-11-6831552/6913621 Fax:91-11-6911676 E-mail:klrs@id.eth.net Attn:Mr. M.L. Kapur Subject:Want to import cosultancy for setting up plant for computer hardware component & export rly track component. The Agency for Business Cooperation with the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (OT2349) 45 Kim U Cnen Str., Khabarovsk, Russia Tel:4212-227143 Fax:4212-227543 Attn:A.A. Mizyun, General Director Subject:擬推銷可用於鐘錶、電子唱機、及 高科技產品之人造鑽石,並尋覓代理商。 Issue:54 Siera Pacific (R0244) 1/103 Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand Tel:64-9-522-7110 Fax:64-9-522-7109 E-mail:sierra-pacific@xtra.co.nz Attn:Aleksandar Ivanovski Subject:Looking for manufacturers who can offer computer products, CD-R. for export. Sphan Int'l Corp (R0246) 3F-7, Nr. 374, Sec.2 Pa The Rd, Taipei Tel:8773-3839 Fax:2721-4755 E-mail:sphncorp@ms26.hinet.net Subject:Spanish manufacturer looking for agents or distributors for electromagnetic retarders and retarder axles for heavy transportation vehicles. Issue:53 The Water Clinic (R0209) 850-47th Street East, Saskatoon SK Canada S7K OX4 Tel:306-242-2561 Fax:306-242-1223 E-mail:wellwater@Webster.sk.ca http://www.thewaterclinic.com Attn:Philip Stadnyk President Subject:Seeking distributors for water purification systems. AIKEN Industrial Co., Ltd. (R0219) 2605-1 Ikku, Kochi-city, Kochi-Pref., Japan 780-8130 Tel:81-88-826-4501 Fax:81-88-826-4512 E-mail:salesmng@aiken.co.jp http://www.aiken.co.jp Attn:Mr. S. Shibata Subject:Looking for importer and agents of air cleaner and electrolyzed water producing equipments. Penn White Ltd. (R0222) Radnor Park Trading Estate, Back Lane, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4XJ, UK Tel:44-1260-279635 Fax:44-1260-278263 E-mail:pennwhite@penninegroup.com Attn:John Whitehead Subject:Looking for agents/distributors for silicone chemicals and SILSTRIP which will remove cured silicone sealant as used in DIY. Penn White Ltd. (R0227) Radnor Park Trading Estate, Back Lane, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4XJ, UK Tel:44-1260-279635 Fax:44-1260-278263 E-mail:pennwhite@penninegroup.com Attn:John Whitehead Subject:Seeking representation for silcone coatings for bakeware, silcone sealant remover, cable lubricants. *Issue:52 Fredavos Business Promotion & Funding Consult (R0203) 248, Murtala Muhammed Way, Yaba-Lagos, Nigeria Tel:234-1-861580 E-mail:fredavos@hotmail.com Attn:Mark Mbanugo Managing Director Subject:Want to be an exclusive agent for motorcycle carburetors (Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki). Klass Manufacturer & Trade (R0208) Turkey Tel:90-352-3211376 Fax:90-352-3211843 Attn:Mustafa Incetan http://www.klass.com.tr Subject:Looking for distributors/agents of midi oven, quartz electrical heater, barbecue, stove and gas cookers. Issue:51 Vultus (R0159) Vilnius, Lithuania Tel:370-2-607039, 709788 E-mail:vultus@post.5ci.lt http://www.vultustools.com Attn:Aidas Pivoriunas Marketing Manager Subject:Looking for the customers of metal milling machines and metal treatment operations (on the basis of co-operation). Consulting BPP International (OT2336) Germany Fax:002-49-8191-21207 E-mail:puchas@debitel.net Attn:Mr. Gunter Puchas Subject:該德商從事德製新/舊工業用消費品、 特殊重型工具機與零件貿易,並可代為接洽技術 移轉,公司協商等。擬尋找台灣合作事業夥伴。 (此德商將於5月8日至24日在台灣停留,意者 可用中文直接洽詢) Issue:50 Prospucuo cc (R0107) P.O. Box 81532, Doornpoort 0017, South Africa Tel/Fax:27-12-5473671 E-mail:emanuel@netactive.co.za Attn:Emanuel Van Deventer Subject:Want to supply business-related service to international businessmen wishing to do business in South Africa. Issue:49 Murr Netzgeraete GmbH (EL1252) Tel:02-25069028 ext. 307 Fax:02-25068182 E-mail:service@dwb-taipei.org.tw Attn:胡育維 Subject:該德商為專業電力供應器之製造商, 其產品通過歐洲CE認證,並可裝設於其他工業 用機器上,擬在台尋找電力供應器專業製造廠商 為其代工(OEM)生產相關產品。(德國經濟辦事處 備產品規格可供參考) Issue:48 International Proteins Corporation (R0089) 33041 Auberry Road, Suite 107-108, P.O. Box 789, Auberry, CA 93602, USA Tel:559-855-8301 Fax:559-855-8309 E-mail:ractis@scoular.com Attn:Robert Actis Subject:Searching for an exclusive agent to market feed and food ingredients. Issue:47 Elektrograma Uab (R0055) Islandijos pl. 209, Kaunas, Lithuania Tel/Fax:370 7 386589 E-mail:elgama@takas.lt Attn:Virginijus Balcius Director Subject:1. Want to import component parts for the microwave ovens. 2. Proposals to creat a joint venture. Issue:46 Attn:Ari Greyling (R0030) South Africa Fax:27-31-9036726 Subject:Offering business consultant services, acting as broker or go-between for local as well as foreign companies. Little Giants (Engineers) P. Ltd. (OT2324) India Tel:91-542-373390 Fax:91-542-371258 E-mail:veepee-engr@usa.net.in Attn:Mr. P.K. Jain Subject:Joint venture in engg. prod/food processing items & representative in India for products/services related to power plant and oil sector. Issue:45 Selford Company S.A. (R0692) Colon 412, 1st. Floor, Office "A", Mendoza 5500, Argentina Tel:54-261-4235889/4295738/4290938 Fax:54-261-4235889 E-mail:roberts@impsat1.com.ar sofiabda@infovia.com.ar Attn:Mr. Roberto Sara Subject:1.Want to export electric halogen heaters. 2. Want to be sales agents on commission basis. Siginon Freight Ltd. (R0008) Kenya E-mail:siginonnbi@net2000ke.com Attn:A. Isalambo Sales Executive Subject:Provide clearing, forwarding and transport services. Issue:44 Al-Redwan Group of Companies (OT2321) P.O. Box 4061, Jeddah 21491, Saudi Arabia Tel:966-2-6600505 Fax:966-2-6652615 Attn;Eng. Abdul Halim Saidan Subject:Oil & gas projects in Saudi Arabia. Interest to work with Taiwanese companies to joint-venture basis. Greenlife Inc. (EL1246) P.O. Box 5, 75 Hale St., Bridgewater, MA 02324, USA Tel:508-2791500 Fax:508-2791166 E-mail:greenlife@rcn.com Attn:Mr. Dick Liao, President Subject:擬尋找DVD製造商,第一批訂單為五至六萬台。 Issue:43 Iris Hou (R0636) E-mail:irishou@ms26.hinet.net Subject:Looking for the packing machine makers for export to South East Asia. Cimmco Birla Ltd. (R0624) D-180 Okhla Industrial Area Phase-1, New Delhi - 110020, India Tel:91-11-6811985 Fax:91-11-6815988 E-mail:lodha@birlaint.aworld.net Attn:Sruendra Lodha Subject:Looking for manufacturers, importers & exporters of cotton synthetic yarn, fabric and textiles. Bose Corp. (R03122) The Mountain Framingham, MA 01701-9168, USA Tel:508-7666083 Fax:508-8726541 E-mail:Ruben_Nyul@bose.com Attn:Mr. Ruben C. Nyul Subject:擬尋找單面及雙面印刷電路板生產廠商。 Issue:41 Raymond Potter & Associates (R0591) Atlas Works, Nelson Street, Carlisle, CA2 5NB, UK Tel:44-1228-529484 Fax:44-1228-529530 E-mail:sales@rpassoc.co.uk Attn:R J S Potter Subject:Want to be an agent for companies who are wishing to export engineering components to the UK. Ikonibo Enterprises Ltd. (R0610) 7 Onwuchekwa Street, Off Geodetic Road, Rumuobiakani, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria Tel:234-84-238664/231794/231489 Fax:234-82-440130 E-mail:ikonibe@hyperia.com Attn:Mr. Dotimi Iduate Anthony Subject:1.Want to joint-venture for building tug boats, passenger boats, and other inland waterway vessels. 2.Want to import life jackets, life rafts, life bouy. Hamstang Ltd. (R0610) Aerodrome Road, Elenganza Plaza, Libra Block, Apapa-Lagos, Nigeria Tel:234-1-5872967 Fax:234-1-5875964 Attn:Mrs. Chinonye Aliyu Subject:1.Want to import telecommunication Equipment (radio equipment for shipping and mobile phones) and accessories, electronics. 2.Seeking agency/partnerships in shipping business. Shebag Holdings Ltd. (R0610) 3A Ali Akilu Road, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel:234-62-233911, 217216 Fax:234-62-233911 E-mail:shebag@micro.com.ng Subject:1.Want to export ginger, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, gum Arabic, chili pepper. 2. Want to import C.C.T.V., computer parts, communications multi-media and electronics. 3. Want to joint-venture for processing sesame seed and gum Arabic. Trademore Int. Holdings Ltd. (R0610) 403 Road, C Close, House 1, Festac Town, Lagos, Nigeria Tel:234-9-5230225 ~ 244 Fax:234-1-2647279 Attn:Mr. Mohammed B.K. Abdulkadir Subject:Want to export soya beans, sesame seeds, cotton seeds, peanuts, cotton lint, sorghum, millet, etc. 2. Want to joint-venture for manufacture of chemicals, telecommunication equipment and materials, as well as power & energy generation. Rivbon Nigeria Ltd. (R0610) 126B Association Road, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel:234-1-4707250 Fax:234-1-2670229 E-mail:edwinbrown@eudoramial.com Attn:Mr. Edwrin Brown Subject:1. Want to export precious stones. 2. Want to import personal computers - lap tops, TV sets, video, mobile phones and accessories. Feo Concept Limited (R0610) 13/17 Breadfruit Street, African Alliance House, 3F, Suite 33, Lagos, Nigeria Tel:234-1-2642729 Fax:234-1-2643763 E-mail:cozy@cyberspace.com Subject:1.Want to export live tropical fishes and reptiles. 2. Want to import various computer systems and accessories. 3. Seeking sole agency and joint venture for above items as well as for motor spare parts. Insterteck Products Nig Ltd. (R0610) No 7 Block 13 Makera Road, P.O. Box 6073, Kaduna Nigeria Tel:234-62-232808 Fax:234-62-242290 E-mail:talafon@skannet.com.ng Subject:1. Wants agents for marketing peanuts, dried/split ginger, palm kernel, cocoa beans, dolomite, felspar, mica, etc. 2. Want to import scientific, Engineering and research teaching equipment, safety wears, computers and accessories, medical equipment and disposable, agro-chemical, industrial and laboratory chemicals, ploymer equipment, mechanical W/shop equipment, civil and mechanical test equipment and environmental monitoring gadgets. Weiss Klimatechnik (EL1232) Germany Tel:02-25069028 ext. 303 Fax:02-25068182, 25093979 Attn:葉以青組長 Subject:該公司為德國知名空調設備製造商, 專事空調系統之設備生產與規劃設計,其高效能 空調設備適用於電腦室,電信基地台,醫院以及 無塵室等需符合特殊規格之場所。為擴大在台之 業務,擬尋找台灣具有冷凍空調技術,並有無塵室 設計規劃經驗之合作廠商。(辦事處備產品型錄可供 參考) (德國經濟辦事處提供) Vikas Exports (R0599) Bagh Jhanda Singh, Amritsar-143 006, India Tel/Fax:91-183-547364 Attn:R.L. Taneja Subject:Want to import & export ox gallstones (cow bezoar). Issue:40 Star-Australia Group (R0554) Melbourne, Australia E-mail:staraustralia@yahoo.com Attn:James Huang Subject:Looking for partners/investors who are specialised in importing Japanese products. Orbital Trade Connection (R0561) 99, Hazaribagh, Room No-1, Tannery Area, Zikatola, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh Tel:88-02-9660507 Mobile:88-017-524504 E-mail:mrfr@bdcom.com Attn:A.B.M. Mashud Subject:Export agent and buyer's representative for all kinds of leathers & leather goods. Issue:39 Horst Maier GmbH (MA2785) Germany Tel:02-25069028 ext. 303 Fax:02-25068182 Attn:葉以青組長 Subject:該德商專事生產以碳鋼與調質鋼 為材料之油壓閥系列零配件,目前有部份 零件採委外製造,誠尋以CNC自動車床生 產各式鋼製油壓零配件之製造廠商。 Issue:37 Multivend, Inc. (R0453) 880 Grand Blvd., Deer Park, NY 11729, USA Tel:1-516-243-4995 Fax:1-516-243-1073 Attn:Mr. David W. Berry Subject:Looking for agents and distributors for candy vending machines. Trans-Link Express Pte Ltd. (R0445) Trans-Link Logistics Centre, 7 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596227 Tel:65-463 9868 Fax:65-467 4800 Attn:Sim Kian Kiat Subject:Trans-Link engaged in exhibition logistics and supply chain management as 3PL. Forst Service (R0482) Tel:43-5472-2252 or 41-71-4460770 Fax:43-5472-2286 or 41-71-4460701 E-mail:fswood@paus.ch http://www.forstservice.at Subject:Looking for an agent for sawn timber and logs. Vision 2000 Inc. (R0487) B-2/159, Nirmala Niwas, Paschim Vihar, New-Delhi 110063, India Tel:91-11-5578238 Fax:91-11-6257825 Mobile:91-9811057200 E-mail:vision2000inc@vsnl.com Attn:V.K. Goel Subject:1.Want to export polyester textured yarn product, cotton yarns for knitting & weaving, blended yarns, etc. 2. Representation of foreign companies in India. 3. Investment/joint ventures in India. Issue:36 M.D.I. International Trade (R0433) P.O. Box 14542, Yaounde, Cameroon Fax:237-22 18 73 E-mail:mediadimnt@iccnet.cm Attn:Mekandjo Ngalle Subject:Want to import rice, corn, soya, sugar can, wheat flour, soya oil, corn oil, urea, fertilzers, cement, electrical materials, & export crude oil, refined petroleum products, tropical sawn timbers, wooden broomsticks, plywood, veeners, wooden doors and windows. Attn:Patrick & Veronica Foy (R0441) Taiwan E-mail:pandvfoy@trace.net.tw Subject:Looking for manufacturers & exports of diesel fuel injection spares (eg nozzles, elements, delivery valves etc.), auto electrical units & components (eg solenoids, bendix drives, armatures, starters, alternators,etc.), fashion hair accessories (eg Alice Bands with butterflies, hairpins, clips, all different colours, sizes with bugs & glitter). Samarina International Trading (MA2761) 54 Crnice Str., Skopje, Macedonia Tel/Fax:389-91-119637 Attn:Stevo Naumov Subject:1.希進口生產食用油(如橄欖油、葵花油) 之現代化機械設備。2.亦願意以合資方式與我商合作, 我商可擁有51%經營權生產食用油。 Karnataka Hybrid Micro Devices (ME311) India Tel:91-80-8520208 Fax:91-80-8520209 E-mail:sesha.khmd@axcess.net.in Attn:Mr. B.V. Seshadri Subject:1.Want to import plain and printed substrates. 2. Looking for a joint venture partner (financial/technical) or job work involving assembly and testing of PCB. Vision 2000 Inc. (TE1087) India Tel:91-11-5578238 Fax:91-11-6257825 E-mail:vision2000inc@vsnl.com Attn:Mr. Vijay Kumar Goel Subject:Want to import polyester & export cotton yarn. Issue:35 Attn:Maya Chambin (R0402) Taiwan Fax:(02)2624-2795 Subject:Looking for Taiwanese importers/ distributors/suppliers of French live turbot, surimi-base and frozen products. Oriental Ceramics Sdn. Bhd. (R0416) 600 Jalan Kluang, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor, West Malaysia Tel:607-4343880 Fax:607-4315000 Attn:Rowena Subject:Seeking distributors/agents for ironstone tableware. Moahmmed Saed Jamjoom Est. (OT2274) P.O. Box 2489, Jeddah 21451, Saudi Arabia Tel:966-2-6471680 Fax:966-2-6427054 Subject:Looking for joint venture to manufacturing and packing cosmetics in Saudi Arabia. Issue:34 FOM Industrie S.r.l. (R0362) Via Adriatica, 169 47843 Misano Adriatico(RN), Italy Tel:39-541-614311 Fax:39-541-614415 E-mail:sales@fomindustrie.com http://www.fomindustrie.com Attn:M. Ajello Managing Director Subject:Looking for agents or distributors for aluminium working machinery, thermal bridging machinery, CNC machining centres. Korean-Sungsan Co., Ltd. (R0370) 31-1, Namchang-Dong, Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea Tel:822-779-7553 Fax:822-779-7552 E-mail:sung7558@chollian.net Attn:C.Y. Kim President Subject:Looking for a competitive partner (distributor) in order to make the product, voice couple system (cellular phone accessory/ring/ necklace), successful in Japan. Attn:Jack Liu (CL3351) Belchenstr. 54, 78628 Rottweil, Germany Tel:49-741-23226 Fax:49-741-23227 E-mail:jack@jack-liu.de Subject:Want to import machinery, tooling, measuring tools, & export leather house shoe, leather shoes, machinery, tooling. Conlog (Pty) Ltd. (R0387) South Africa Tel:27-31-2681155 Fax:27-31-2080566 E-mail:morgang@conlog.co.za Attn:Mr Gary Morgan Subject:Looking for and international partner, they are very open as to the type of approach - joint venture/licensing/purchase/etc. Issue:33 Astralink Technology Ltd. (CL3344) 14218 Ladue Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017, USA Tel:314-434-0588 Fax:314-434-1993 E-mail:lowelln@clipfone.com http://www.clipfone.com Attn:Lowell D. Newsom Subject:The company is a distributor for a line of consumer electronics products, computer peripheral products, office products. For Taiwanese companies looking to initiate business in the U.S. Japan Development Institute (R0309) Yaesu-Nagaoka Bldg. 3rd Floor, 2-8-4 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, Japan Tel:81-3-5540-7172 Fax:81-3-5540-7173 Mobile:090-1257-2706 E-mail:bcanthony-jdi@pop01.odn.ne.jp Attn:Blaise C. Anthony Subject:Represent EASTMAN KODAK & Richard ELLIS for selling a huge Hi-Tech complex in the Tokyo/ Yokohama suburban area. Rost Group (R0310) Russian Center of Cooperation with Taiwan 2F-1, 65, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel:(02)27845675 Fax:(02)27845676 E-mail:rusgroup@ms35.hinet.net Attn:Braslavskiy Alexander ,President Subject:Aims to bring Russian and Taiwanese business together, strengthen economic mutual relations for achieving higher results of cooperation, such as hi-tech transfer, investing activity, tourism, etc. Orient Syntex Limited (TE1080) India Tel:91-11-2478805 Fax:91-11-2475764 Attn:Mr. S.S. Palaria Subject:Want to import polyester fibre, & export spun yarn. Issue:32 Dainova (R0301) Republic Belarus, Minsk, Partizanski pr-t 2/4 Tel:375-172-30-89-26 Fax:375-172-21-74-08 Attn:Zaloznyi Igor. Subject:Want to import goods of Taiwan & export tractors, mini-tractors, trucks, construction materials, any other goods Bielorussian production. Aries Overseas (R0315) 361, 2nd Floor, 13th Main, R.M.V. Extn., Bangalore 560 080, India Tel:91-80-334-8274 Fax:91-80-331-1968 E-mail:ariesgp@bgl.vsnl.net.in Attn:K. Prakash Chandra Subject:Looking companies interested in availing the Off-Shore Office facilities and two way trade and joint ventures in India. Extra Excellent Company (R0320) Hong Kong Tel:852-2369-2121 Fax:852-2312-7367 E-mail:hotatki@netvigator.com Attn:T.K. Ho Subject:Want to import automotive air hose, & export stainless steel flexible exhaust connector. Issue:31 MultiVend, Inc. (R0270) 880 Grand Blvd., Deer Park, NY, USA 11729-5708 Tel:1-516-243-4995 Fax:1-516-243-1073 Attn:David W. Berry Subject:Looking for agents and distributors for candy vending machines. Verrolec Engineering Pte Ltd. (R0276) 27 Senoko South Road, Singapore 758082 Tel:65-759-0138 Fax:65-759-8098 Attn:Stephen Teo Subject:Looking for agents for airduct flanges conforming To HVCA DW/TM1. Mondial Products Ltd. (R0293) P.O. Box WK 550 Warwick WK BX Bermuda, Tel/Fax:441-2382903 E-mail:mondial@northrock.bm Attn:Gilles Fourquet Managing Director Subject:Looking for a manufacture able to produces part or all of this music, with the following description:1. A transistor with small speaker that plays the sound of cicada. 2. A cardboard
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    谢谢 lz 分享的信息

    2009-03-29 15:28:45

    谢谢 分享 信息 很多啊 啊

    2009-03-29 15:28:16


    2009-03-27 17:29:59


    2009-03-25 11:15:57

    虽然没有我想要的,还是感谢楼主的大方分享。有要 电气设备的要找我哦。 :D

    2009-03-25 08:39:37

    先感谢 有对口的

    2009-03-24 20:49:18

    :( 竟然没找到我要的~

    2009-03-24 16:47:38


    2009-03-24 16:13:02
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