Before we go any further we would need to see some samples of what you have made. we need to see what your leather and stitching is like.
All samples must be sent to
Good Day!
TKS for your immd reply!Could you tell me which material do you like? Only leather ?Could you tell me the styles,size,quantity,your target market? This will help me to communicate with you.The samples,after we confirm some things,i will send the samples to you to see the material and the stiching.It is very nomal,we could not know each other,if we want to go further,you must see the samples.Best Regards,我也觉得简洁好,一般他有意向他自己会问你的,没必要说的那么具体。我外贸经验很少,这只是个人见解。还有一点我觉得对外国人是不是应该多用点would you... ?could you please..?这种句型会好点,至少也会让人觉得有礼貌点,不是横冲直撞的那种,像是在征求人家意见。以上均属个人意见。供参考!谢谢
人家说6楼的好厉害,呵呵,就是夸奖你了,粘贴出我的回复,请大家指教,谢谢。仁者见仁,智者见智,就当你们帮我了,谢谢 How are you? Glad to receive your letter again,but I am sorry to tell you that the bags on the web are our old styles.So i do not have the informations on hand,I am very sorry! To think about a long time,i decide to tell you the truth.PLS kindly to understand. I think in the bussiness,good faith is the most important thing.If you also believe on me,and think we have the chance to co-operate,pls kindly send to me the pictures of the samples you have,and tell me the size,material,quantity and other things,i will quote to you soon.Then if the prices meet your taste,i will make samples to you.If The material is geniune leather,sorry to tell you that,we will charge the samples.(If there is order,we will refund the amount to you).And also the fee of the samples' frieght is your duty. If you have any questions,pls friendly to contact to me,i will reply you soon.TKS Best Regards Your faithfully,
首先,我分析客户很可能想占我们便宜。其次,才能谈到是否有兴趣跟我们合作。 像你们这样的手袋,要送我一个就够了。样品寄过来,就跟你说拜拜了。谁还会跟你继续合作啊。 所以要是我的话,我的想方设法了解到她做什么的,她们公司是做什么的?心里有个数啊,是否真正是你的潜在客户。 若不是特别清楚对方是不是自己的潜在客户,想办法跟她谈你们价格和款式质量的优势,让他觉得你很有诚意,最好是跟她解释,公司会轻易送样,但为了以后继续合作可以适当给对方优惠。(产品都是有成本的,若白送人家,人家可能还会认为你不是生意人,现在社会哪有白送的。) 首先,可以问问对方这样的一件产品在她们的国家要买多少钱(就当朋友聊天了呗)。如果她回复了,在跟自己的比较一下,自己有什么优势。在从你的优势展开。最后,即使要送样品也不能赔本。否则,我是不会送给她。再说如果客户真的需要想要的话,估计也不会在乎样品这点钱。 (个人观点,仅供参考)
here are some styles we think would look good made in our fabric or natural leather that we are interste to see 这个内容就是全部的回复,前提是这样的图片我们都没有资料存在;
我还没有不客气,本来打算不客气的,但是想想算了 没有必要 不过她又回复了,选了几个我们网站上的图片,但是很不幸的,我们的网站上的图片是以前的,现在就没资料! 现在不知道怎么回了