拜读三遍完毕!!! Luis Lu 59177669@qq.com 86-13095947085 专业模具开发,铸造,精加工,出口 宁波力利模具机械有限公司 http://www.nblili.com
多到挺多,可惜没有我要的,不过还是谢谢了 ````````````````` 有国外需要电气方面的么:继电器,温控仪,接触器,断路器等等 sophie_wumin@hotmail.com[color=blue:274efff81f][/color:274efff81f][size=18:274efff81f][/size:274efff81f]
呵呵,谢谢楼主了啊。怎么这么多的资料啊,只是没有我想要的啊。还请楼主提供一些铝塑复合软管包装设备的买家信息啊。 我是一个新手,还不知道怎样有效的在网上搜寻国外买家的信息呢,希望能多多指教。
Apranga,AB Kirtimu g. 51,LT-2028 Vilnius Tel:00370-2-641064,641564; Fax:00370-2-643432 E-mail: apranga@taide.lt 该公司成立于1948年,现有员工215人。注册资本:8822.999万立塔斯。年营业额:3040.3569万立塔斯。主要进口服装和鞋。 业务用语:英语,俄语 Bukra, Radvilaviciaus firma Virsuliskiu g. 103, LT-2056 Vilnius Tel: 00370-2-416063,417107 fax: 00370-2-416239 E-mail: gamija.bukra@post.omnitel.net 主要业务: 进口建筑材料和构件。 业务用语:英语,俄语 Klaipedos baldai, AB Joniskes g. 21, LT-5799 Klaipeda Tel: 00370-6-212381, fax: 00370-6-216745 该公司成立于1993年,现有员工500人。年营业额:3500万立塔斯。 主要业务:进口胶合板,胶,漆,染料,层压板,塑料。 业务用语:英语,俄语 Metalo g. 11/10, LT-2038 Vilnius Tel: 00370-2-267676; fax: 00370-2-267866 E-mail: info@narbutas-ir-ko.lt 该公司成立于1991年,现有员工296人。注册资本;800万立塔斯,年营业额:3788万立塔斯。 主要业务:进口刨花板,组装家具用的金属固定制品,精密铸管,PVC型材。 业务用语:英语,俄语。 Supercrete Sendirian Berhad http://www.supercretebrunei.com Interline (B) Sdn Bhd http://www.interline-asia.com 克罗地亚企业欲从中国进口各种石材,感兴趣的公司可以与其直接联系,联系方式如下: 名称:IPAMM,VL.FRANKO PERCAN 地址:VODOVONDA 28,52100 PULA, Croatia 电话:00385 52 540440 邮件:iva.percan@zg.t-com.hr 罗地亚企业寻求中国产大理石等石材,感兴趣的公司可以与其直接联系,联系方式如下: 名称:MANDIR UNIVERSAL 联系人:Mr. Marko Mandir 地址:Mlinovi 109,10000 Zagreb, Croatia 电话:00385 1 4674730 手机:00385 98 1937952 邮件:m.mandir@t-online.de 企业名称:BOUSHAHRI GROUP W. L. L 地 址:P.O.BOX :547,13006 SAFAT KUWAIT 电 话:5729000-12 传 真:5735947/5732101 E---MAIL:bushrigb@qualitynet.net 经营范围: 木架及制品 爱沙尼亚Technomar & Adrem Ltd公司欲从中国购买胶合板,有意者请直接和该公司联系。 公司名称:Technomar & Adrem Ltd. 地址:Vana-Narva mt. 22, 74114 Maardu ESTONIA 电话:+372 6 034 846 6 034 847 传真:+372 6 034 844 6 034 845 E-mail:technomar@technomar.ee MR. Hayssam Raad Executive Director EACON INTERNATIONAL LTD 10 B, Godreich Main Road, Juba P.O. Box 593 Tel: 00232-22-238496 Fax: 00232-22-239270/1 E-mail: eacongh@yahoo.com 罗马尼亚OMNITEX公司成立于1993年,位于蒂米什瓦拉县,为一家罗德合资企业,主要从事针织纺织品的生产和销售。旗下品牌为D’Alicia,产品多出口至奥地利、法国、英国等。公司希与中国针织企业建立联系并开展合作。 联系人:Doru Domuta经理 电话/传真:0040-256-472558 网站:www.omnitex.ro 电子邮箱:omni-tex@clicknet.ro 叙商求购家具和木材 COMPANY NAME: FARAH FOR FURNITURE TEL: 11-5216732 FAX: 11-5216876 MOBILE: 988-043175 E-MAIL: M_L4ever83@hotmail.com CONTACT: AHMAD BAKKARY INTEREST: FURNITURE & WOOD 位于保加利亚北部城市Pleven的家具生产、出口企业ECOMEBEL公司欲求中国行业合作伙伴,主要是进口散装家具,在保组装后出口欧洲地区。有合作兴趣的国内公司可与该公司联系。 ECOMEBEL公司简介及联系方式如下: Year of establishment of the company – 1993. We are a successor of a former state company which was established in 1936. The number of employees is 150. To strengthen our position on the market and increase our sales, we recently opened large show rooms (2000-4000 m2) where we offer our clients a big variety of furniture: sofas ( leather and fabric), living room and kid’s furniture, kitchen sets, tables, chairs, accessories, etc. Our aim is to satisfy the high expectations of our clients by offering them the best solutions for their homes, offices and hotels. Contact person: Ms Iskra Yordanova, tel.: 00359 64 888899, fax: 00359 64 888882, e-mail: info@emdesign.bg Bluebird Lumper 地址:P. O. Box 1612 Saleufi, Samoa 电话:00685-25236 / 22747 传真:00685-26806 Email: bbl@lesamoa.net Strickland Brothers Company Ltd 地址:P. O. Box 990 Lepea, Samoa 电话:00685-22833 / 22542 传真:00685-24650 Email: strickland@lesamoa.net
呵呵, 没想到各位朋友这么热情啊, 多谢大家的捧场! :D 不过这些都是偶尔得到的买家信息,我想关于各位的需求我不太好说能随时提供, 不过我会继续将信息提供给大家的,也希望大家一起贡献自己的力量。 我是做五金工具和园林石材及针织服装为主的, 朋友们有资料的话也请给我啊 :P :P :P
:D LZ您好!! 多谢分享. 怎么多的客户联系资料...可见LZ 是带着交朋友的目的来的.希望可以得的LZ的支持.我是做水质量测试仪器的,希望可以提供这些方面的资料. ------------------------------------------------------- pH meter, conductivity meter, DO meter and electrode.
www.adidisplays.com.au info@adidisplays.com.au New South Wales Unit 3, 8 Jindalee Place Riverwood 2210 Tel: 02 9533 6386 Fax: 02 9533 6385 Description of activities: As a trade supplier of portable display solutions for the signage and display industries, ADI Displays distributes, under the BANNERAD™ brand, a wide range of portable display products, associated equipment and support services catering for a variety of applications, preferences and budgets. ADI Displays offers portable display solutions for the signage and display industries, with a wide range of portable display products including retractable banner stands, motorised rolling banner stands, X banner stands, l banner stands, pop up display wall, brochure stands, poster hangers, tension frames, panels fixing and slim lightboxes. Adkote Pty Ltd www.adkote.com.au info@adkote.com.au New South Wales Unit 5 · 40 Carrington Road Castle Hill 2154 Tel: 1300 139 930 Fax: 1300 139 940 Victoria Unit C 3.1 / 63 - 85 Turner St Port Melbourne 3207 Tel: 1300 139 930 Fax: 1300 139 940 Description of activities: Australian distributors for NUR digital printing equipment and suppliers of laminating equipment as well as laminates and consumables. Advance Badges manager@advancebadges.com.au www.advancebadges.com.au New South Wales Unit 27, 1a Coulson Street Erskineville, NSW, 2043 Tel: 02 9516 1333 Fax: 02 9516 5423 Description of activities: Advance Badges Australia is a leading wholesale supplier of badge products for Australia and New Zealand. We specialise in all types of badge products under 200mm in size. We custom make anything from a flat plate with your details, to a fully sculptured 3D model. With Advance Badges, your design is in safe hands. Adzon Agencies Pty Ltd info@adzon.biz www.adzon.biz Queensland PO Box 1138 Paradise Point QLD 4216 Ph: 07 5564 2557 Fax: 07 5564 2558 Description of activities: Suppliers of heat transfer equipment, textile decoration and sports lettering solutions. We supply cad cuttable films, flock, reflective films and digital printing films that can all be applied to garments using a Heat Press. We also stock a range of plastisol transfers and Swarovski crystal designs. 希望对这行业的朋友有帮助.呵呵 AES Group www.aes-group.com.au sales@aes-group.com.au Queensland Unit 2, 11 Millennium Place Tingalpa, QLD, 4173 Tel: 1300 667761 Fax: 07 3348 6190 Description of activities: AES Group are the Australian and New Zealand distributors of an extensive line of US manufactured engraving equipment. Our product range includes the Xenetech rotary and laser engraving systems, unmatched in speed, performance and reliability. We also supply a full range of Scandinavian cabinets and photo resist sandcarving films for PhotoBrasive system. When service, experience and quality counts, call AES Group, your one stop engraving shop. Call today for a catalogue. Agfa Gevaert Pty Ltd www.agfa.com graphics_info.au@agfa.com Victoria (Head Office) Graphic Systems Division Building 1, Greenwood Business Park 301 Burwood Highway Burwood 3125 Tel: 03 8808 4000 Fax: 03 8808 4411 Service Tel: 1300 364 723 New South Wales Suite 1/1 Figtree Dr Sydney Olympic Park 2127 Tel: 02 8762 6211 Fax: 02 9763 7772 South Australia Offices on the Park 8 Greenhill Rd, Wayville 5034 Tel: 08 8372 7858 Fax: 08 8372 7859 Western Australia Unit 2, 8 Belmont Ave Belmont 6104 Tel: 08 9277 9266 Fax: 08 9479 1106 Queensland 20 Shand Street Stafford 4053 Tel: 07 3352 5522 Fax: 07 3356 6683 Auckland 3 Argus Place Glenfield, Auckland Tel: 9 443 5500 Fax: 9 441 8584 Christchurch 69 Magdala Place Middleton, Christchurch Tel: 3 339 0244 Fax: 3 339 0277 Wellington 19 Pretoria Street Lower Hutt, Wellington Tel: 4 568 5096 Fax: 4 568 8181 Description of activities: Agfa Graphics, a leading supplier to the graphic arts industry, offers a complete range of indoor / outdoor digital printing systems, including printers, media, inks and workflow, suitable for pigment, dye, eco-solvent, and UV-based systems. Committed to the fast-growing digital inkjet market, Agfa’s expanding portfolio includes the Grand Sherpa Universal AM eco-solvent printer, Anapurna L/XL UV-curable press, and the M-Press inkjet / screen printing hybrid (the result of its technology partnership with Thieme). Agfa’s solutions offer widths from 60 to 250 centimetres, and roll or flatbed configurations, to suit applications from POP displays to vehicle graphics. Airbrush Solutions airbrushsolutions@hotmail.com Victoria P O Box 4367 DC Hoppers Crossing, VIC 3029 Tel: 03 9974 3736 Fax: 03 99743748 Description of activities: A retailer of airbrush equipment, spare parts and accessories servicing Australia wide. Manufacture of specialised airbrush paints, stencils and other airbrush accessories. With technical expertise and able to advise with the correct product selection. Airbrush Venturi airbrushventuri@ozemail.com.au www.airbrushventuri.com.au Victoria PO Box 3736 Nunawading, VIC, 3131 Tel: 0418 324 530 Fax: 03 9728 2465 Description of activities: Airbrush Venturi is the leading airbrush school in Australia and New Zealand. The Venturi method is the only nationally accredited airbrush course in Australia. We provide classes in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory, and offer courses in Auckland, New Zealand. The Venturi method is a high speed airbrush rendering method, specifically designed for commercial applications such as signwriting, visual merchandising, painting and decorating, custom painting, etc. The method enables people to render with the airbrush to a commercially viable speed and standard with very convenient and cost effective course programs and locations. AirClean Technologies Pty Ltd www.airclean.com.au info@airclean.com.au New South Wales Suite 1, 53 Ethel Street Seaforth, 2092 Tel: 1300 137 244 Fax: 1300 651 358 Description of activities: Suppliers of world leading air filtration equipment for printing environments. Specialising in integrated filtration units for wide format solvent printers and laser engravers. By utilising state of the art technologies we aim to provide a safe and healthy working environment. Alfex CNC Pty Ltd www.alfexcnc.com.au sales@alfexcnc.com.au Queensland 3/533 Boundary Road Richlands, 4077 Tel: 07 3375 3113 Fax: 07 3375 1655 Victoria 27 Northgate Drv Thomastown 3074 Tel: 03 9464 6577 Fax: 03 9464 6588 Description of activities: Suppliers of laser engraving and associated equipment and supplies Alucobond Architectural Pty Ltd www.alucobond.com.au info@alucobond.com.au Victoria 58-70 Hampstead Road Maidstone 3012 Tel: 03 9319 3700 Fax: 03 9318 6533 New South Wales 109 Bonds Road Punchbowl 2196 Tel: 02 8525 6900 Fax: 02 9584 3307 Queensland 1/23 Alexandra Place Murarrie 4172 Tel: 07 3890 2944 Fax: 07 3890 4882 Description of activities: Alucobond Architectural distributes Alcan Composites products - Alucobond®, Dibond® and Dilite® lightweight aluminium composite panels; and Forex®classic PVC sheet, an ultra-light rigid plastic sheet with a silky matt surface. Dibond®, Dilite® and Forex®classic are ideal for interior and exterior signage, digital printing, screen printing, exhibitions, display, photomounting and interior design Aluimage International Pty Ltd www.duragraphics.com sales@duragraphics.com Queensland PO Box 1323 Capalaba QLD 4157 Tel: 1300 138 442 Fax: 07 3245 3298 Description of activities: Suppliers of ALUimage colour printed anodized aluminium products
Amor De Maderea sales@redsail.com.au www.redsail.com.au New South Wales PO Box 8668 Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650 Tel: 1800 641 330 Fax: 02 6936 0953 Desription of activities: We are the Australian importer for Redsail vinyl cutters, laser cutting / engraving equipment. Anitech Pty Ltd www.anitec.com.au info@anitech.com.au New South Wales (Head Office) 25 South Street Rydalmere 2116 Tel: 02 8845 0222 Fax: 02 8845 0300 Newcastle 51 Broadmeadow Road Broadmeadow 2292 Tel: 02 4961 1777 Fax: 02 4961 5107 Email: newcastle@anitech.com.au South Australia 117 Tapleys Hill Road Hendon 5014 Tel: 08 8345 3488 Fax: 08 8345 4405 Victoria Unit 3 640-680 Geelong Rd Brooklyn 3025 Tel: 03 9314 1711 Fax: 03 9314 8868 Queensland Unit 3-4 Bridgelink Centre 55 Links Ave North Eagle Farm 4006 Tel: 07 3268 1266 Fax: 07 3268 3622 Brisbane Graphics 119 Melbourne Street South Brisbane 4101 Tel: (07) 3846 3177 Fax: (07) 3846 3203 ACT Units 4 & 5, 151-155 Gladstone Street Fyshwick 2609 Tel: 02 6239 2122 Fax: 02 6239 2984 Western Australia 140 Railway Pde, Leederville 6007 Tel: 08 9382 4444 Fax: 08 9388 3139 Auckland 8 Te Pai Place Henderson, Auckland Tel: 9 849 3378 Fax: 9 849 3755 Description of activities: Anitech are a supplier of equipment, consumables and services to the visual graphics industry Australia wide. Our equipment range suits all requirements and includes plotters, inkjet printers, solvent printers, textiles printers, UV flatbed and hybrid printers and a range of laminating equipment as well as RIP software. Anitech colour management and profiling and support is second to none. Anitech consumables includes a wide range of papers, banners, film, back-lits, self adhesive vinyl, textiles, wall coverings, specialty media, over-laminates (film and liquid), inks and accessories to suit most applications. Anitech branches are located in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Newcastle, Perth and Adelaide. APSI Growmor www.apsi.com.au sales@apsi.com.au New South Wales Unit 18, 22 Oramzi Road Girraween, NSW, 2145 Tel: 02 9631 6393 Fax: 02 9631 6080 Description of activities: We have a wide range of sign making equipment to provide a sign service to industry, retail and trade. In-house processes include screen printing, wide format printing, engraving, routing, vacuum forming, pad printing, sublimation, foil stamping, high frequency welding, embossed metal signs, plastic bending, roller coating, laminating, die cutting and vinyl cutting. Signs - interior and exterior, labels, banners, rollups, A-Frame, point of sale, vehicle signage. We also manufacture and personalise promotional products, awards and trophies. We offer this service as print and supply or print only on customer supplied products. Specialising in short run work, we handle large volume when required. Archi-Type Signs & Engraving ken@archi-type.com.au New South Wales Unit 5, 13 Enterprise Close West Gosford, NSW, 2250 Tel: 02 4323 2335 Fax: 02 4324 3308 Description of activities: Our specialities are stainless steel and other metals, castings, and laser cut acrylic lettering and graphics. Our location, quality of work and integrity make us the number one choice for the supply of engraved products. It makes good business sense to use Archi-Type for those irregular, difficult jobs, so that you can satisfy your existing clients. Contact us for a quote, good service and quality work. Arlon, Inc. www.arlon.com/graphics bsmith@arlon.com New South Wales 5/15 Wallaroy Road Woollahara 2025 Tel: US + 714 540 2811 Australia: 0425 296 162 Description of activities: Supplier of vinyl films, digital media and flexible substrates. Arrow Systems Australia Pty Ltd www.vutek.com johnallen@vutek.com New South Wales 6/31-37 Salisbury Road Asquith, 2077 Tel: 02 9476 8130 Fax: 02 9476 8132 Description of activities: Supply of Vutek digital printing machines and associated consumables Artcal Pty Ltd am@artcal.com.au www.artcal.com.au Victoria 1/7 Candlebark Court Research, VIC, 3095 Tel: 03 9437 2277 Fax: 03 9437 2077 Description of activities: Artcal is an importer and distributor for ZeroNine foils suitable for the Gerber Edge. Artcal also imports and distributes the TransferRite application tape and ProtectRite protection films. Art in Motion glenn@artinmotion.net.au Tel: 0427 227 312 Description of activities: Art in Motion can design and create specialist airbrush graphics and murals, whether it is a corporate work of art, promotional piece, ambient media or a one-off work for a special project. If you want a mural or a graphic on a wall, door, bike, bus, boat or even footpath, we can do it. We can also provide training services and advice. For exceptional results, prices and service to match, call Glenn at Art in Motion today. Artmart Australia Pty Ltd www.artmartaust.com.au sales@artmartaust.com.au Victoria 6-16 Joseph Street, Nth. Blackburn.3130 Tel: 03 9236 1111 Fax: 03 9236 1122 Description of activities: Artmart imports a full range of adhesive plotter films including fluorescent, etch glass, stencil, metallic, holographic, translucent, reflective, heat transfer, banner vinyl and magnetic. With the advent of digital printing we also import an extensive range of pigment and solvent self adhesive vinyl, overlaminates and banner materials. Accessory lines include, Viponds paints, brushes, Pantone, application tapes, panelmounts, roll-up banner stands, banner hanging systems, snap frames, laminating machines and a full range of substrates including alumabond, foam PVC, fluteboard, image board and foamboard. Artmart is the Victorian and Tasmanian distributor for Oracal and the Victorian Roland Gold dealer of the Year in 2006. Atomic Print Services nme@bigpond.net.au www.atomicps.tripod.com New South Wales PO Box 3113 Kirrawee DC, NSW, 2232 Tel: 0417 660 261 Fax: 02 9520 3244 Description of Activities:Atomic Print Services is a small business specialising in short runs. We are setup to screenprint t-shirts, dye sublimate items such as coffee cups, stubby holders, mouse mats, coasters, place mats, trophy plaques, fridge magnets, tote bags, name badges, sunglass straps, sporting bibs and many more items. We also offer a print management service, having approx 17 years in the print trade from screen printing to offset printing. Audia International Pty Ltd www.audia-int.com audia@optusnet.com.au Queensland 10 Laconia Street, Logan Central, QLD 4114 Tel: 07 3209 5613 Description of Activities: Our company is importer of the highest quality and lowest price signage & display products such as retractable banner stands, portable light boxs, promotional counters and more. Austand Pty Ltd www.austand.com simonz@austand.com New South Wales 10 Mitchell Street Marrickville NSW 2204 Tel: 02 9560 5155 Fax: 02 9560 5133 Description of Activities: AUSTAND is a professional manufacturer and supplier of display hardware. We have the most complete line of display solutions, from budget portable display and pop-up wall units, to customised trade show booths. Our product range includes pop-up systems, rollup, brochure holders, banner stands, light boxes and exhibition mate systems. AUSTAND display hardware is high quality, stylish, portable, affordable and able to meet a variety of needs. Best of all our hardware is easy to transport and set-up.
Australian Graphic Supplies Pty Ltd www.ags.com.au enquiries@ags.com.au Queensland 1/38 Neuman Road Capalaba, 4170 Tel: 07 3390 2577 Fax: 07 3390 3546 Gold Coast 1/1 Distribution Avenue Ashmore 4214 Tel: 1300 132 677 Fax: 1300 132 688 New South Wales 1 / 239 Beaconsfield Street Milperra, 2214 Tel: 1300 132 677 Fax: 1300 132 688 Description of ativities: Australian Graphic Supplies are leading importers and distributors of sign-making, screen printing & digital printing consumables and equipment. Australian Laminating Company frank@alclaminating.com www.alclaminating.com Victoria 120 Fairbairn Road Sunshine West, VIC, 3020 Tel: 03 9312 7400 Fax: 03 9312 7455 Description of activities: The Australian Laminating Company was formed over 5 years ago, after our research concluded there was an opportunity for an importer / wholesaler in the thermal and PSA cold laminating machine and film markets. Since our inception we have established a strong network of distributors Australia wide, on selling our products to end users. Our machine product range includes Kala and Microlam laminators along with a number of other budget options from 30cm to 2 metres. Our film range includes the famous Digikote and EXB as well as thermal / cold films, UV treated, monomeric and polymeric. We offer a money back guarantee on all our films. Australian Specialty Inks Pty Ltd www.austspecialtyinks.com.au info@austspecialtyinks.com.au New South Wales 17 Reaghs Farm Road Minto 2566 Tel: 02 9603 3399 Fax: 02 9603 7761 Description of activities: Manufacturers of a comprehensive range of standard and solvent and water reducible inks and coatings for most applications. Australian Visual Solutions (formerly Ramair Packaging Pty Ltd) www.ramair.com.au info@ramair.com.au Toll Free 1800 01 7446 (sign) Victoria 13/27 Thornton Crescent Mitcham 3132 Tel: 03 9873 2466 Fax: 03 9873 3922 Dandenong 2/465 Hammond Rd Dandenong 3175 Tel: 03 9706 5244 Fax: 03 9706 3922 New South Wales 11/11 Moxon Rd Punchbowl 2196 Tel: 02 9709 3200 Fax: 02 9709 2000 Queensland 49 Michael St Bulimba 4171 Tel: 07 3399 4600 Fax 07 33 99 4077 South Australia 15 River St Hindmarsh 5007 Tel: 08 83 40 9099 Fax: 08 83 409022 Description of activities: National Master 3M distributor as well as offering a range of supplies throughout Australia.
Autofilm Australia Pty Ltd www.autofilmaustralia.com colin@autofilmaustralia.com New South Wales PO Box 174 Cooranbong 2265 Tel: 0409 772955 Fax: 02 4977 2955 Description of activities: Autofilm Australia supplies an inkjet image setting system which enables accurate, immediate and low cost film production in-house. Avery Dennison Pty Ltd Avery Dennison Graphics Division www.averygraphics.com graphicsanz@ap.averydennison.com New South Wales Unit D, 21 Loyalty Rd North Rocks 2151 Tel: 02 8839 8100 Fax: 02 8839 8188 Victoria 95 Sunshine Rd Tottenham 3012 Tel: 03 8325 8300 Fax: 03 8325 8388 Western Australia 2 Pavers Circle Malaga 6090 Tel: 08 2909 6400 Fax: 08 29096488 South Australia Hewittson Rd Elizabeth West 5113 Tel: 08 8209 3209 Fax: 08 8209 3284 Queensland 1/67 Colebard Street West Archerfield 4108 Tel: 07 3715 1700 Fax: 07 3715 1788 New Zealand 40 Vestey Dr Mt Wellington, Auckland Tel: +64 9573 0995 Fax: +64 9573 0996 Description of activities: Avery Graphics have the complete range of sign materials, screenprint films, digital media and reflective products to meet your needs every time. Bannershop Australia sales@bannershop.com.au www.bannershop.com.au New South Wales Unit 26, 45-51 Huntley Street Alexandria, NSW, 2015 Tel: 02 9516 2228 Fax: 02 9516 2322 Description of activities:We are a complete retractable banner and digital printing wholesaler. Barwell Machine Tools Pty Ltd www.barwell.net.au bdiamond@barwell.net.au New South Wales 12/29 Helles Avenue Moorebank 2170 Tel: 1800 674 499 Fax: 02 98212669 Description of activities: Suppliers of engraving equipment and consumables
数码打印机类的产品 Bladerunner Graphics jon@bladerunnergraphics.com.au www.bladerunnergraphics.com Queensland 35 Markham Avenue Runaway Bay, QLD, 4216 Tel: 0414 325 935 Fax: 07 5528 8109 Description of activities: Bladerunner Graphics specialises in award winning vinyl cut vehicle graphics. We manufacture and sell to an international audience via our online store, with most orders dispatched within 24 hours of payment confirmation. Our graphic designs and quality vinyl stickers have impressed many, with our works featured in leading auto magazines and car shows. Attention to detail is our key to success. Bravo Displays bravo@bravodisplays.co.nz Auckland PO Box 45188 Te Atatu Waitakere City, Auckland, 0651, New Zealand Tel: + 64 837 2006 Fax: + 64 837 2001 Descriptions of activites: Bravo Displays imports and distributes exclusive product ranges that combine easy to use portable structures with cost effective graphic replacements for trade shows, conferences, seminars and point of sale. Our motto is ‘Look smart in a snap’. Britelite Neon Signs martin@britelite.com.au www.britelite.com.au New South Wales Unit 3, 163-165 Newbridge Road Chipping Norton, NSW, 2170 Tel: 02 9734 0722 Fax: 02 9734 0733 Description of activities: Using the latest techniques and equipment in manufacturing design, we are able to define the product that accommodates the styles you have in mind and can adapt our signs to your needs. We have extensive experience within the industry on a small and large commercial scale. Every job completed by Britelite Neon Signs is not only a sign, but a lifestyle solution for your projects. Budde International Pty Ltd www.budde.net.au peterm@budde.net.au New South Wales PO Box 191 Gladesville 2111 Tel: 02 9879 3011 Fax: 02 9879 3090 Description of activities: BIT is a system integrator specialising in large format digital graphics equipment. We provide solutions for point of sale, poster systems, presentation graphics, graphic arts, pre-press and CAD. BIT has been one of the pioneers of digital poster production and can count amongst its customers a large percentage of the major service bureaus and print producers in large format graphics. As the Australian distributor of Wasatch SoftRIP, we make this our core technology for systems applied to point of sale, posters, signs, packaging prototypes, fabrics and garments, screen print, fine art and prepress proofing of full-scale images with imposition. Burwood Digital mje@aapt.net.au www.burwooddigital.com Victoria 39 Burwood Highway Burwood, VIC, 3125 Tel: 03 9808 2144 Fax: 03 9808 0781 Description of activities: Burwood Digital offers a range of services and products including printing t-shirts, caps, mugs, stubby holders, mouse mats and billiard tablecloth. We offer services including dye sublimation, vinyl transfer, general printing, letterheads, leaflets, invoice books and raffle tickets. We can also create signage for cars, trucks and shops, as well as design web sites Canon Australia Pty Ltd www.canon.com.au info@canon.com.au New South Wales 1 Thomas Holt Drive North Ryde 2113 Tel: 02 9805 2000 Fax: 02 9888 3650 ACT 98 Barrier Street FYSHWICK 2609 Tel: 02 6206 5999 Fax: 02 6206 5933 Queensland 18 Southgate Rd Cannon Hill 4170 Tel: 07 3909 5000 Fax: 07 3909 5066 South Australia 1 South Rd Thebarton 5031 Tel: 08 8201 9100 Fax: 08 8352 5365 Victoria 33 Lakeside Drive Burwood East VIC 3151 03 9881 0000 03 9881 0444 Western Australia 68 Hasler Road Osborne Park 6017 Tel: 08 9347 2222 Fax: 08 9242 4120 Description of activities: Supplier of wide format inkjet printers, poster and banner production software, image touch-up and management software, digital photography solutions and many other products. Cannon Group info@cannongroup.com.au www.cannongroup.com.au Queensland 8 Burke Street Woolloongabba, QLD, 4102 Tel: 07 3391 0111 Fax: 07 3391 0014 Description of activitives:Cannon Group comprises a range of companies encompassing a variety of products and services within the signage industry. We specialise in developing renovations / refurbishments from design concept through to practical completion, whether it be from a simple light feature or directional signage to an entire interior theme incorporating the latest in lighting technology, (LED’s etc.). We offer a unique design and manufacturing service geared towards the Gaming Industry supplying both products, i.e. Gaming Signs and Link Systems, as well as maintenance services. Adchannel is an in-house digital advertising service provided to venues which require up to the minute information.