货物贸易: goods trade
服务贸易:trade in service
出口贸易: export trade
进口贸易:import trade
过境贸易:transit trade
复出口/复进口:reexport trade /reimport trade
间接贸易/直接贸易:indirect trade /direct trade
转口贸易:entrepot trade
总贸易体系:general trade system
专门贸易体系:special trade system
对外货物贸易值:value of foreign merchandise trade
服务贸易值:value of trade in commercial services
对外贸易差额:balance fo trade
对外贸易依存度:degree of dependence upon foreign
国际分工:international division of labor
垂直型国际分工:vertical international division of labor
水平型国际分工:horizontal international division of labor
混合型国际分工:mixed internatioal division of labor
国际物流:international logistics
包销:exclusive sales
招标:invitation to tender
期货市场:futures market
易货贸易:barter trade
补偿贸易:compenaation trade
回购:product buyback
互购:counter purchase
贸易专业化系数:trade specialization coefficient
出口业绩相对指数:index of relative export performance
对外贸易乘数:foreign trade multiplier
国际贸易条约:commercial treaties