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    Current page location: Home > Answers > How do the foreigner think of made in china, foreign trade platform?
    Shelly King
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    How do the foreigner think of made in china, foreign trade platform?

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    • Time:2018-08-21 16:26:54
    How do the foreigner think of made in china, foreign trade platform?
    Lily 彭
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    I have to admit made in China doesn’t have good reputation on the foreigners mouth, but they cannot live without it. That’s a little bit irony. From one way there are full of criticism words, on the otherway import lots of goods from China covers nearly everything in their life.

    Fortunately the Chinese products quality has been improved too much and the high end product is starting to exchange the bad impressions by foreigners, so does the foreign trade platform. Alibaba has been changed greatly by improving the foreigners shopping experience, I think more and more people will love it in the near future because Jack Ma is really good at ecommerce and human being well.

    #1Floor 2018-08-21 16:50:04 Reply(0)
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