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    Current page location: Home > Answers > In China, there are many factories which have English-speaking salespersons. Why are there still foreign trade companies in China?
    Kate Brown
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    In China, there are many factories which have English-speaking salespersons. Why are there still foreign trade companies in China?

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    • Time:2018-09-18 11:00:59
    In China, there are many factories which have English-speaking salespersons. Why are there still foreign trade companies in China?
    Stella Qi
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    Because there's MUCH more to interbational trade than just making sales. Finance of international trade is mopre complex (multi-bank, transnational letters of credit, more complex collection in problematic cases, etc, for instance). Logistics is far more complex ( multi-modal transport, longer time periods in the supply chain). Regulation and tax are more complex ( export and import daclarations and duty, transnational sales tax). All od this requires specialized knowledge that many manufacturers cannot economically maintain in-house.

    #1Floor 2018-09-18 11:38:51 Reply(0)
    Stella Qi
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    Because there's MUCH more to interbational trade than just making sales. Finance of international trade is mopre complex (multi-bank, transnational letters of credit, more complex collection in problematic cases, etc, for instance). Logistics is far more complex ( multi-modal transport, longer time periods in the supply chain). Regulation and tax are more complex ( export and import daclarations and duty, transnational sales tax). All od this requires specialized knowledge that many manufacturers cannot economically maintain in-house.

    #2Floor 2018-09-18 11:38:53 Reply(0)
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