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    Current page location: Home > Answers > What is the best for import and export from Vietnam?
    Kate Brown
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    What is the best for import and export from Vietnam?

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    • Time:2018-10-10 15:11:48
    What is the best for import and export from Vietnam?
    Krise Wu
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    First of all, I would like to point out that Vietnam is now at a very similar stage, just as China 10–15 years ago. Vietnam's "Walk in China's footsteps". We are helping people in Asia start export import business with Europe.

    View our free materials and advanced courses:

    I would also like to point out that the products you should import and export in Vietnam also depend on the countries you want to export and the countries you want to import. Basically I would say if you want something from Vietnam, then you should be thin on the product and the merchandise that traders from China impoerted about 15 years ago.Therefore, the general cathegories will follow:

    I. Furniture-vietnamise Furniture is actually known as the world.

    II. Clothing and footwear

    III. Garmets

    IV. Cashew and cashew Oil-Viet Nam is in the top 5 countries that produce these nuts.

    V. Vietnamise Coffee and tea.

    VI. Agricultural products

    VII. Fruits, vegetables.

    If we say export to Vietnam, then we should export follwong things:

    I. Western food,

    II. snacks,

    III. beverages

    IV. Electronic products (mainly from China) Electric Scooters and motorcycles.

    V. Vietnam is the country what has at least 1 motorcycles per person!!

    VI. Wood and logs. Vietnamese Furniture Factory needs raw materials

    VII. IT and Intelligent Solutions and some High-tech products

    If you want to do import and export, I know a great site of export/import. You can surf the Internet to review TradeSNS. TradeSNS is one of the most trusted importers of export data providers in the world. It offers the most valuable business intelligence, convenient access, a pocket-friendly price to the popular searchable import-export trade database in the world.

    Hope can help you!

    #1Floor 2018-10-10 17:16:01 Reply(0)
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