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    Current page location: Home > Answers > Why is the US economy growing but the economy in the rest the western world is shrinking?
    Bella Qi
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    Why is the US economy growing but the economy in the rest the western world is shrinking?

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    • Time:2018-10-22 17:16:11
    Why is the US economy growing but the economy in the rest the western world is shrinking?
    Betty Green
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    English , propogated by the British empire used widely by the US accompanied by migration by very smart people from very poor and curropt countries is the driving force behind a robust economy. Europe is cursed to be connected by land to countries ravaged by war and religious extremism and is thus being used as a refugee camp due to its inherent liberal democratic values. Most of the refugee population that arrives just lives off the welfare model seldom contributing to economy.

    #1Floor 2018-10-22 17:40:23 Reply(0)
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