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    Stella Qi
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    What is an international trade?

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    • Time:2018-10-30 14:21:43
    What is an international trade?
    Siyu Song
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    It means you can get a really inexpensive toaster.

    It means a boy in Malaysia can watch a cool Spiderman movie with lots of special effects.

    It means you can give your girl a diamond dug out of a mine in Africa and ask her to marry you.

    It means you have sugar when you need it to make a pie.

    It means you can wear a silk scarf.

    It means you hop into a Ford when you hail a taxi in Rio de Janeiro.

    Oh….wait…were you just asking for a definition?

    International Trade:

    The movement of goods out of the jurisdiction of one country with all of its laws and regulations, and crossing the border into the jurisdiction of another country with a whole other set of their own laws and regulations.

    #1Floor 2018-10-30 17:32:15 Reply(0)
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