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    Tradesns Foreign Trade Community
    Current page location: Home > Answers > What is, in your opinion, the best state in the USA to incorporate a foreign business?
    Bella Qi
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    What is, in your opinion, the best state in the USA to incorporate a foreign business?

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    • Time:2018-11-26 15:19:24
    What is, in your opinion, the best state in the USA to incorporate a foreign business?
    Maria Cullen
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    The first question is not what state, but what type of entity. If you plan on seeking funding from venture capitalists (VCs) and / or angel investors or if you think an initial public offering (IPO) is possible then you should set up a C-Corp. If you don’t anticipate those events then something flexible like an LLC is likely the best route. Now comes the question - in what state? If it’s a C-Corp then Delaware is the most common choice because VCs and angels prefer DE (among other things). If you form an LLC then it comes down to a variety of considerations, such as annual taxes & fees and where you conduct business from / in.

    #1Floor 2018-11-26 17:27:41 Reply(0)
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