2. 这样的情况客人可能会在L/C上要求收货人”受SHipper/Bank 指示“ Consigned to the order (of shipper/XXXbank) 看客人有无要求空白背书。(这样方便货权转让)制单的时侯注注意一下。
最后,要好好审L/C draft看有无软条款,制单的时侯保证无不符点。
#1Floor2018-09-07 13:51:26Reply(0)
Notes to post and speech
TradeSNS hope that the majority of netizens comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the network, and prohibit the release of all kinds of sensitive false information;
At the same time TradeSNS will crack down all kinds of illegal dissemination activities and harmful information, building a harmonious space.
TradeSNS hope that the majority of netizens comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the network, and prohibit the release of all kinds of sensitive false information;
At the same time TradeSNS will crack down all kinds of illegal dissemination activities and harmful information, building a harmonious space.