Our Saanen does are heavy milk producers and usually yield between 3% and 4% fat.They Saanen are typical dairy-type animal, dished or straight facial line and a wedge-shaped body.
these Saanens are of medium height when compared with the other Alpine breeds. Does
weigh at least 64 kg. The average height measured at the withers, is about 81 cm for does
and 94 cm for bucks.
The coat is all white or all cream and the hair is generally short and fairly fine although
some do have longer hair along the spine, hindquarters, or both. Horns do not be
present at birth. The ears are generally pointed and erect and the head is usually lightly
structured. The breed is sensitive to excessive sunlight and performs best in cooler
conditions. The provision of shade is essential, and tan skin is preferable. our Saanens are
usually very docile animals and like to keep to a routine so are well-suited to machine
milking. They respond quickly to affection.our saanen goats are dairy milking saanen goat and for more information contact