Perlite Powder
Data for reference
Element: SiO2 Al2O3 NaO2 K2O Fe2O3 MgO CaO
PCT% 68-75 12-16 4-5 1-4 0.1-2 0.3 -1 0.15-1.5
Specific Gravity: 0.5-2.4g/cm3 Expansion Coefficient : 20times min
- Widely used as insulating layers in industrial smelting furnace and walls and floors of architectures.
- Filing and dilating agent in rubber, painter and plastic, etc.
- Catalyst in explosives.
- Used to absorb floating oil.
- Used in agriculture and gardening to improve the soil and withhold water and fertilizer.
- Used to filter liquor, oil, medicine, food and dirty water.