timber frame insulation
Waterproof, breathable membrane
Protect your buildings with waterproof, breathable wall membrane. Kangda Breathable Membrane totally impervious to wind, rain, sleet and snow, while still remaining breathable, which allows moisture that builds-up within your house to escape.
Why use it?
The trouble with exterior house paint or building felts/papers is that degrades over time, allowing water to ingress into your home. So every few years the whole process has to be repeated to protect your property.
Kangda Breathable Membraneon the other hand requires little, or no maintenance, and lasts 10 times longer - saves the time, inconvenience and money.
How it works?
Kangda Breathable Membrane has superior air resistance that helps to protect insulation from drafts, reducing energy costs.
Kangda Breathable Membrane provides water resistance that helps to prevent water from entering walls, avoiding costly damage.
Kangda Breathable Membrane allows moisture vapor to escape while protecting against air and bulk water intrusion.
Kangda Breathable Membrane has excellent tear strength and allows 120 days of UV exposure.
Suitable for all surfaces
Kangda Breathable Membrane is suitable for all styles of house, whether modern and traditional.
It can be applied to every type of surface, whether it's wood, brick, render, steel, stone work or cement.
email 13506299541(at)vip.163.com