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    • 安徽精菱玻璃机械有限公司 Follow
    • Tianhe road High-tech development zone Bengbu city Anhui
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    CNC glass cutting machine
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    • 人民币 0.00-0.00/UNIT(Minimal Quantities 10.00000UNIT)
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    China Anhui Bangbu
    51 - 100 People
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    This automatic CNC-shaped glass cutting machine allows users to cut out any shape of glass with high precision. AUTO CAD designed graphs and figures, automatic cutting, with all the cutting data fully computer controlled. The operator can edit the glass size for cutting with computer. The computer can optimize the cutting size, and give out the data for processing, driven the machine to cut glass sheet automatically in high speed and high precision. 1. Use professional computer soft, equipped professional cutting and optimized composing system. It features easy operation, high accuracy and fast speed. Cutting speed can be adjustable. 2. Cutting beam was imported from German high precision rack and rail. It features high accuracy. 3. Main parts were imported from brand products. It features high quality and long life. 4. Maintain and operation were easy for the machine. Edit the glass size for cutting with computer. The computer can optimize the cutting size, and give out the data for processing, driven the machine to cut glass sheet automatically in high speed and high precision.
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