EBL EBL dispersant
Brightening agent, release agent, opening agent 1, general dispersant, internal and external lubricants. 2, heat plastic plastic lubricant releasing agent, can improve the vigor of the plastic surface. Smooth, make the product appearance color more uniform. 3, EBL dispersant slightly alkaline, the use of PVC and other easy decomposition of acid substances in the resin, can inhibit the decomposition of the resin, to prevent discoloration of products. EBL is a kind of plastic lubrication is better than that of ethylene bistearic amide dispersant with high melting point and unique properties in the melt of low viscosity and good mobility, melt at high temperature, ABS, PS, PP and PC, and PVC resin excellent compatibility with pigments or fillers; the strong affinity, which itself is a lubricating system, can reduce the mechanical components and the thermal bonding resin; and dispersing agent EBS has the following advantages: 1) excellent whiteness, good transparency, is conducive to the accurate color, especially the high standard color system; 2) the thermal stability is higher. Process in the resin, with a wide range of processing temperature permits; 3) has high affinity with resin and paint.