MQK1060 Opening Machine - TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • shandong shunxing machinery co., ltd Follow
    • No.19 Miaoling Road, Qingdao, Shandong
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns

    MQK1060 Opening Machine
    • Deliverability: The supply capacity is not filled
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    • 人民币 6000.00-6000.00/set(Minimal Quantities 1000.00000set)
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    shandong shunxing machinery co., ltd
    China Shandong Qingdao
    101 - 200 People
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    MQK1060 Opening Machine

    It is used to open the yarn waste, fabric waste, help to loosen the fiber of the fabric waste, yarn waste etc. It can help to protect the fiber length of the regenerated cotton on the highest level .Same time, reduce the damage of the wire of GM machine series and increase the working efficiency of GM machine series. It includes waste removal system, so that raw material which not well processed will be sent back automatically by the waste removal system.

    Technical Data for MQK-1060

    Roller diameter: 600mm (single roller)

    Production: 120kg-150 kg

    Motor: Y180M-4   11kw

    Wire size: 4.5T/25.4 mm

    Fan: 1.5 kw
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