防静电气泡袋 Bubble Cushioned Anti-static Bag - TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    防静电气泡袋 Bubble Cushioned Anti-static Bag
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    • 人民币 0.00-0.00/(Minimal Quantities 0.00000
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    China Guangdong Shenzhen
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    我公司现研发的复合型防静电气泡袋填补了国内防静电袋的不足之处。(很多防静电袋没复合,时间长易漏气,且防静电袋减震缓冲性能差)该产品系我公司专利,专利号为:ZL03 2 26123`3。该产品两层结构,外层PE导电膜,表面电阻是103-105Ω,内层防静电气泡袋表面电阻值是108—1010Ω。该产品适用于远航运输电子产品的包装。防静电气泡袋,气泡片可防止产品在生产搬运过程中因碰撞、摩擦或静电引起的破坏。主要用于电子元器件,PC板等的包装。表面电阻值:108—1010Ω。外层材质,规格和颜色均可根据客户要求定做
    The composite anti-static air bubble bag being developed by our company has made up the shortcomings of other domestic counterparts. (many anti-static air bubble bags can’t be fully sealed, so it will lead to air leakage after a period of time and they are poor in shock reduction and buffer). Our company has been granted a patent for this product and the patent number is ZL03 2 26123`3. This product is a two-layer structure. The outer layer is conductive PE membrane with the surface resistance of 103-105Ω,and the surface resistance of inner anti-static air bubble bag is 108—1010Ω. This product applies to the packaging of electronic products for long-distance transportation. The air bubbles can prevent products from damages due to collision, attrition or static. It is mainly used for the packaging of electronic component and PC boards. The surface resistance: 108—1010Ω. The material for the outer layer, specification and color can be customized in accordance to clients’ requirements

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