健胃祛寒216g洪太原味姜汤(盒装) - TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • 浙江洪太生物工程有限公司 Follow
    • 浙江省义乌市城西街道西城路2808号
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    • 人民币 17.60-17.60/盒(Minimal Quantities 30000.00000盒)
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    China Zhejiang Jinhua
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    详细信息: 品牌洪太商品条形码6925187909448卫生许可证(浙)卫食证字(2007)第330782100044产品标准号Q/ZHT018净重216g原料与配料红糖、生姜保质期18(个月)原产地浙江生产厂家浙江洪太生物工程有限公司特产储藏方法贮藏于阴凉干爽处,用后密封保存规格1*216g*30生产日期见打码处    更有原味、红枣、女人、驴胶、枸杞、产妇、老姜汤供您选购!O(∩_∩)O~ 新一代健康饮品——洪太姜汤,精选上等红糖和高山老姜为主要原料严格按照无公害生产技术,科学合理配方,运用先进工艺技术生产而成洪太姜汤,符合DB33/291.3质量标准。洪太姜汤,是千年传统健康饮品,原汁原味,夏防热,冬御凉营养丰富,即冲即饮,食用方便,是现代人士较好的健康饮品





     洪太姜汤 温暖健康·时刻相伴

     【中华养生佳品】对水土不服 调和阴阳 消散恶气有较好的作用具有祛寒 除湿 健胃 活血 容颜 预防感冒等功效对产妇补血,恢复元气是最佳饮品对女性月经期间腹痛有特效 New healthy drink--HONGTAI ginger soup featured selects fist-rate suger and edelweiss ginger as the main mateial.It is made with the traditional formulation combined with the modern technology,strictly according to pollurion-free producing technology.and also its standard coincides with DB33/2913.3Ginger soup is a traditional healthy drink with thousands years'history.HONGTAI ginger soup reserves the origiinal taste,people who tastes it will feel cool in summer and warm in winterwhich contains rich nutrition.It can be immediately tested by soaking water inwhich is easy and convenient.It is only a healthy drink to modern people

    but also a special present for tourism,honoed guest and friends.


    Special tips: a small quantity of precipitate is allowed.

     l       Compositions:Brown sugar,gingerl       Consumption methods:Take out a small package of HONGTAI ginger soup,open and pour into a cup. And then soak into boiled water(about 170 ml).You can taste it after whisking. It reserves the pure taste and is contains rich nutrition.l       Way of Storage:Keep in cool and dry conditions.Seal and store it after opening the package.l       Prod Executive standar No: Q/ZHT018l       Sanitation License No.:(Zhe)WeiShiZhengZi[2007]No.330782100044l       Validity Perlod: 18months l       Net wet:216g (18*12bags)l       Food production:Jinhua City,Zhejiang Province    价格: 数量()原价(/)30-3017.60


    所在地: 浙江 义乌市

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