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    • 新乡巴山航空材料有限公司 Follow
    • 金属丝冷拉拔、金属织网及丝网深加工产品
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    Soft EDM wires cutting edm
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    • 人民币 6.50-6.50/kg(Minimal Quantities 10000.00000kg)
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    China Henan Xinxiang
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    Main Products:金属丝冷拉拔、金属织网及丝网深加工产品
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    China Brass wire Manufactor High Performance hard and soft EDM Wire 0.1 to 0.3mm

    Product Name China Brass wire Manufactor High Performance hard and soft EDM Wire 0.1 to 0.3mm
    composition Cu60%, Zn40% or Cu63%, Zn37% or Cu65%, Zn35%
    Wire diameter 0.30mm, 0.25mm, 0.20mm, 0.15mm, 0.10mm
    Weight/Spool 3kg/5kg/7kg/15kg/20kg
    Tensile strength: 1000 N/mm2, 900 N/mm2, 500 N/mm2, 450 N/mm2, N/mm2
    tolerance 0.001
    Ultimate Strength (≥ MPa) 980
    Packing Vacuum packing, sealed with PVC cellephane, moisture proof, quakeproof, and corrosion resistance.
    Used Agie Charmillies, SODICK, Mitsubishi, Makino EDM machine


    China Brass wire Manufactor High Performance hard and soft EDM Wire 0.1 to 0.3mm

    Condition Diameter(mm) Tolerance(mm) Tensile Strength (N/mm²) Type of Spool
    (Standard Weight)
    Hard 0.10 ±0.001 ≥980 DIN125(3kg, 3.5kg
    0.15 ±0.001 ≥980
    0.20 ±0.001 ≥980 DIN125(3kg, 3.5kg)


    DIN160(7kg, 8kg)

    DIN200(15kg, 16kg)
    0.25 ±0.001 ≥980
    0.30 ±0.001 ≥980
    Semi-hard 0.25 ±0.001 480~520
    0.30 ±0.001
    Soft 0.25 ±0.001 380~420
    0.30 ±0.001

    Good conductivity, a large number of used in the manufacture of wires, cables, brushes, etc.
    1.Various of wire core material can match demands of different wire-cute machine.
    2.Heat treatment technology ensures tensile strength stability, and prevents damage of wire.
    3.Superior verticality suitable for automatic threading.
    4.High drawing precision, fine ovality, low tolerance.
    5.Outstanding wire cutting speed compared, drop less powder.

    1. A heavy paper dust protection: endometrial advantage.
    2. Double protection: seal for PVC precision plastic mold.
    3. Three protection: professional shockproof corrugated box

    Material Type D1 D2 d W1 W2 Spool/box Spool W (k) Volum/box
    ABS DIN125 125 80 20 125 100 4 0.2 0.254X0.254X0.127=0.008M3
    P3 130 80 20 110 90 4 0.2 0.264X0.224X0.132=0.008M3
    P5 160 90 20 114 90 4 0.33 0.324X0.232X0.18=0.014M3
    DIN160 160 100 22 160 128 2 0.35 0.324X0.162X0.18=0.009M3
    DIN200 200 125 22 200 160 1 0.66 0.22X0.22X0.22=0.01M3

    Our Company:
    In more than 62 years experience of metal wire cold drawing, metal wire mesh weaving and deep processing products, Bashan company acquired 24 metal wire & mesh patents and took chief part of 19 standards, such as GB/T4240, GB/T5330, GB/T6003, GJB107, HB1862, etc. (GB/T, national standard; GJB national military defense standard; HB, aviation standard. )

    Contact:Maggie Guan

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