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    • Weifang ZhongShiTaiDa Rescue Products Co.,Ltd. Follow
    • Changle,Weifang,China
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns

    inflatable jack
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    • 人民币 0.00-0.00/(Minimal Quantities 0.00000
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    Weifang ZhongShiTaiDa Rescue Products Co.,Ltd.
    China Shandong Weifang
    Buying Office
    51 - 100 People
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      Quick Details

    We are a mature manufacturerof Inflatable products.  We have a great range of inflatable products, including Inflatable Jack in competitive price.




    1. It utilizes exhaust of trucks to inflate to the jack. It can jack-up a heavy truck within 30 seconds only, operated easily and fast.

    2. The balloon is made of hi-intensity PVC coated nylon cloth, it has good characteristics of airtight, hi-intensity.

    3. It adopted unique unidirection-flow design, more than 45 minutes maintenance of enough air ensured.

    4. Safe self-lock tie-in, which makes operation of jack easy and can prevent joint tube loose or escape

    5. Adapting wimblepipe kits, which can adapt to any types of trucks, it will escape automatically while over-inflated to ensure safety.

    6. Civil and military types are for alternatives, there are 3 different models of them respectively. The difference between civil and military jack lies in military one has been added wearable heat insulation layer, it is more wearable than civil ones. 


    We can produce according to customer's request in size, shape and color. The price can be adjusted by the quantity of an order.

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