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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > 主题: [接单]一单子的全过程(附Email内容)。
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    主题: [接单]一单子的全过程(附Email内容)。
    Browse volume:174 | Reply:14 | Release time:2009-01-13 10:11:45
    业务员简称A, 客户简称B, B: I'm purchase manager of XXXXXX Co., Ltd. My boss was on Canton fair on October 2007. So I have your catalog. I'd like to discuss some models of kettles with you today by msn. I hope to talk with you there. It's very important for us. I hope to cooperate with you in near future. Have a nice day! A: Thanks for your letter of inquiry. And glad talking with you through MSN. Here in the attachment, pls find our quotation sheets. Regarding FK-0703, this item is exclusive selling in Russia by BORK, sorry we can not sell you this item. Pls kindly understand. Best Regards! B: I acquainted with your quotations. We need more information about 3 models of kettles: FK-0201, FK-0302, FK-0503. We need: 1.Exact technical description of product (the power, weight, sizes and so on), description of all options and functions. 2.Basic circuits of devise the product, custom assembling, taking to pieces the product, substitution of replacement parts. 3.Quality picture of the product (correct light, one- color background, enough image resolution). Individual photo of secondary members and nozzles. Fragmentary photo of control board, buttons, switches and so on. 4.Sizes of gift boxes, cartons, stickers. 5.Application sheet. Direction by regulation and safety measures when the product is used. P.S. If you will have quastions, pls contact with me by msn or mail. I'll wait your soon reply. A: ( send all Techincal Data by email to B.) 然后过了2个月没消息。 B:How are you? I hope you still remember me. I need to discuss with you model FK-0201. We want to order yo you this kettle. pls fill this file, I'm attaching it. And send me soon. I'll make contract.. It's very important for us. I'll wait your soon reply! Have a nice day! A:填写了客户的表格,都是产品数据啊, 价格,交货期,包装规格等等, 公司样本上都有的。客户还要公司的银行资料。 Thanks. Pls find our bank details in the attachment. 一些数据 And the explosion view, circuit diagram in the appendex. 过了一个月后,客户发过来合同: B: I'm atteching contract KI-17. Pls check all attentavly, and sign in russian and english part pls. A: Pls kindly find the signed contract in the attachment. B: Thanks a lot. 然后客户把他们的商标,丝印要求,彩盒,外箱唛头, 指定货代资料, 提单资料等,都发过来。 A: 由于对于客户的商标不熟悉,我们怕侵权,要求客户签立商标授权申请书(自己编吧,大家能看懂就行,主要是公司盖章和法人名字盖章),客人也回签了。Thanks for the authorization letter. It's so kind of you. ^_^ Here in the attachment, pls find our P/I for this order, and pls arrange the 20% deposit payment soon. The previous canrton size was wrong, it should be 44x35x45.5cm. We revise the shipping mark. Pls kindly check and confirm the attached "revised shipping mark". Do you have the Panton Color No. for "XXXX" logo? The blue color. Pls kindly confirm to me. B: thx for your letter. I'm confirming the carton size. I'll ask our designer about Panton number for "SKIFF" logo, and tell you soon. We'll pay the deposit also soon, on next week. In Russua will be 3 days of holiday, since 9 till 11 of May. So I'll come back to job on 12 of May. Any quastions, pls let me know. A:以后就是确认产品的一些生产资料。 因为有些客户要求的我们不能做到,改成我们工厂自己的。以下就只剩下付定金了。 Did you arrange the deposit payment? Our Account Dept will stop the order production, if we could not receive the deposit this week. B:unfortunatly we have some problems with our bank. Exactly we have problems with our account. I don't know what was exactly happened, but I think we can't pay deposit on this week. I hope we will pay in the beggining of next week. I'm sorry for this bad news for you. I hope you can understand this situation. A:O.K. I will explain to our account dept. But pls arrange the deposit ASAP. B:然后客人把付款的银行水单的扫描件电子板发过来 A: 然后就开始生产了。 生产快完成了,就安排验货,订舱。 A: 验货出了点问题,发邮件告诉客户。Sorry our workers printed different color from the water window and on/off switch. Pls kindly check with attached pictures. Since the mass production is already finished, and the rework will scrach the kettle surface, could you pls kindly accept for this shipment? We will revise the color for future shipment. B: this is not good news for us. My boss is in China now. He is planing to visit your factory. You should tell him about your mistake. I can accept these kettles in this time. But I don't know what will deside about this situation my boss. Any way I hope next time everything will be fine. When are you planing to finish all producing? I'll wait your soon reply! A: 验货的问题都解决后,商检安排下(一般商检在货物生产好以后就安排商检,我是让公司的单证负责的,不知道你們那边怎么样)。 然后就安排拖柜,装箱,记下集装箱资料: 包括所装货物,数量,体积,重量,集装箱号码,封箱号, 自己做一份SHIPPING ADVICE 给客户。 SHIPPING ADVICE 包括货物的资料,集装箱资料,开船日期,到港日期,商业发票号码)还有一些客户需要知道的东西。 然后打电话给货代,要提单确认件(就是正本提单的资料确认), 你确认下发货人,承运人,通知人,唛头,品名和描述,体积,重量,货物数量,集装箱型号,海运方式,一般CY-CY等。 因为是正本提单的确认,请仔细核对,出錯的话,修改正本提单要钱的。 报关的也是货代来,跟单会负责好一些事情的,所以我也没事情。 把SHIPPING ADVICE 发给客户后,就等正本提单了,并安排单证做FORM A 或者C/O(商业发票和装箱单这时候就需要了)。 并把FORM A 或者CO草稿件连同Commercial Invoice ,Packing list,提单确认OK件发给客户确认。 一般FORM A 或者CO早拿到,等正本提单一起到手,你把正本提单扫描下,发给客户,并催款。 A: Enclosed you will find the copy of Original BL. Pls kindly confirm when would you like to arrange the balance payment? Thanks in advance. B: 客户把余款付清,把水单发过来。 以后就把FORM A 或者CO,3份正本Commericial Invoice and 3份正本packling list , original BL国际快件发给客户,就OK了。 ( FORM A和Original B/L复印件自己留一份,以后可能翻单,还有一些产品资料,先前确认过的,都保留下来)
    Concern (0


    2009-04-17 17:14:37


    2009-04-04 11:17:21

    不错 这样的真实经历值得研究

    2009-03-21 20:49:37


    2009-03-20 14:32:53


    2009-03-13 22:01:07


    2009-03-13 11:41:26


    2009-03-11 15:21:55


    2009-01-17 10:11:28


    2009-01-13 16:01:36

    分享了, :)

    2009-01-13 14:57:02


    2009-01-13 11:45:59


    2009-01-13 11:44:34

    看起来还是挺顺利的 不过时间可不短 学习了!

    2009-01-13 10:52:52


    2009-01-13 10:30:00
    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07