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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Information on Opening a Business in Europe
    Information on Opening a Business in Europe
    Browse volume:134 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-11-26 10:03:52

    There are a myriad of reasons for wanting to establish a branch of your business, or an entirely new business, overseas in Europe. You may even want to transfer your entire business entity to some European country. That's understandable, with the current set of economic conditions that many business owners face today. The United States economy was recently lowered from a four-star to a three-star credit rating by all the major international credit rating bureaus. To say that the economy in the United States is weak is an understatement. However, if you do your homework, you can find very attractive business advantages and perks in Europe.

    The key is in doing your research or paying someone who is already a professional in that area. If you had to personally surf the Internet and respond to the thousands of business formation specialist listings, bring yourself up to speed with tax and business law in every country in Europe, and then make a decision, it could literally take years to get the right information. Fortunately there are one-stop companies who do nothing but specialise in opening a business in Europe for the foreign investor.

    The correct European company formation specialist firm can answer all of your company relocation and company formation questions concerning Europe, including the number one question most foreign business investors have on their mind. That is, "Which country should I incorporate in?" That is probably the first and most intelligent question you could ask if you are considering establishing a business presence in Europe, or any other country for that matter. The cultural, business and tax atmosphere in Europe can vary drastically from country to country. With several dozen countries in the EU (European Union), all with separate economies and business attitudes, if you do not match the correct country and their business strategies to your business goals, your experience will be less than enjoyable.

    For instance, did you know that Ireland offers 0% business tax for the first three years for qualifying foreign investors? However, they may not be regionally or geographically a viable presence if you are opening a branch office. In that respect, Spain or Portugal, and their access to some of the best trade routes in the world, may be a better choice for you. But the key is still in knowing what exactly you have to do to incorporate, and how to do it in the most speedy manner, while still satisfying the needs of the regulatory and business entities involved.

    By simply choosing a respected European business formation firm that has years of experience dealing with local attorneys and accountants in several European countries, you ensure that your business formation in Europe goes as speedily and successfully as possible.

    Company Formations Ltd is a UK based company, who arrange all types of worldwide and European company formations.

    We offer an honest and service orientated approach, which relies on effective communication. This makes the whole process as stress free as possible for you.

    As a one stop shop, we are able to offer all services associated with your business, from initial consultation through to offices, licences and accountancy.

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