最近几天跟一Iran 客户交涉了几天。 过程大概是这样的
起先,他跟我要产品的价格,需要的量是一个小柜,我一想,吗的量还不少,给你稍微搞便宜点。 第二天他给我回复了价格还可以,问我可不可以寄样品,鉴于奥运会期间对化学品的邮寄管的特别严,所以就和他说不行啊,于是他就给我回了先要一桶回来实验下吧,然后我又给他了报了一桶的价格,他到爽快让我给他发P/I了,我心里一乐,对Iran商人的态度改变了不少,果然是林子大什么鸟都有啊,第二天他又让我给他寄样品,于是我给他回了下面的一段类容,大家点评下,看看有没有用啊 ,这两天没单子是有点无聊啊
Thanks for your promptly reply. We understand the sample plays an important role for making sure the quality. However, the chemicals sample are really not easy to send abroad for the goverment limitation. Hereby, we suggest that you can order one drum at the beginning of our cooperation. For one hand, you can check the quality and our reliability; for another hand, it will save your time and you can directly use the one drum for your field testing without testing the samples quality and waiting for the one drum arrived. Please consider about my suggestion.