Social networking is defined as a configuration of people connected to one another through interpersonal means, such as friendship, common interests, or ideas. Social networking is one the larger ways to advertise a product. Branding a product can be transferred through mobile devices, video, and gaming. Examples include such mobile applications as Google maps, Facebook, and corporate mobile sites. Having networks available allows businesses a faster time to market. Networking reduces production and better brand consistency. Internet users have larger social networks than nonusers, which proves that use of social networks in a business community would be a huge improvement in finances for businesses.
Social Networking has increased overtime. In the past businesses have not focused on networking technologies such as blogs, emails, or web access opportunities. With these technologies absent in the past branding products were only done by billboards, television commercials, and word of mouth to name a few advertising techniques. It is said that networking is documented as far back as 1958. Researchers from Bell Labs have said that social networking had existed before the Internet. In the past before the World Wide Web humans still bonded through their friendships, common interest and ideas this can also be described as social networking.
In present day social networking focuses on Internet communication that consist of the following: ideas, friendships and for businesses marketing has become very popular. It is been determined the web has become more popular among businesses overtime and social networking has proven to be a money maker for current employers. Businesses have thrived on increasing profits by building social relationships. Facebook and MySpace have become some of the most popular companies in present day. These companies generally focus on social networking by having consumers interact with each other and the more customers they receive the more revenue that can be brought in.
The old age technology known as word of mouth has gone out the door. It has been discovered that in businesses with social networks involved has shown at the end of 2008 statistics of 47% of all individuals ages 45-54 used social networking sites, ages 35-44 raised by 65%, 25-34 by 78%, and ages 18-24 raised by 90%.
It is said that in future that such technologies may include video conferencing, and Internet phone services which can enlarge communication capabilities of business platforms. Out of 895 web experts who were surveyed about the future of networking they have stated by 2020 people's use of the Internet will enhance human intelligence meaning that most functions will be used through networking leaving less to learn or memorize because Internet will being doing the hard work.
According to such experts it is also believed that keeping businesses, their employees, and consumer's information private will be harder. It is also said that in the future that technology will enhance to where there will be more computing power, bandwidth, storage capacity, even the ability to pack pixels into screens, according to experts.
If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing and social networking.