² /nt/+/p/ dormant partner /`dR:m[n `pB:ntn[/
² /nt/+/t/ Lent term /len t[:m/
² /nt/+/k/ dormant capital /`dR:m[n `kApitl/
² /nt/+/f/ lament for /l[men fR:/
² /nt/+/s/ dormant seed /dR:m[n si:d/
² /nt/+/W/ lent three books to /len Wri: buks tu/
² /nt/+/F/ lent ships to /len Fips/
² /nt/+/tF/ the dress lent charm to that girl /len tFB:m tu/
² /nt/+/h/ lent her /len h[:/
² /nt/+/b/ dormant bud /`dR:m[n bud/
² /nt/+/d/ lent dogs to/len dRgz/
² /nt/+/g/ lent grills to /len grilz/
² /nt/+/v/ dormant volcano /`dR:m[n vRl`kein[u/
² /nt/+/z/ lent zooms to /len zu:m/
² /nt/+/T/ lamented the death /l[`men T[ deW/
² /nt/+/h/ lamented his acts /l[`men his `Akts/
² /nt/+/dV/ lent George a book /len dVR:dV [ buk/
² /nt/+/l/ absent landlord /Abs[n lAndlC:d/
² /nt/+/m/ absent minded /Abs[n maindid/
² /nt/+/n/ lent nothing /len `nQWiN/
² /nt/+/w/ absent without leave /Abs[n wiTaut li:v/
² /nt/+/j/ lent you /len ju:/
² /nt/+/r/ lent Rose a pen /len r[uz [ pen/
² /lt/+/p/ bolt press /b[ul pres/
² /lt/+/t/ an insult to /[n `insQl tu:/
² /lt/+/k/ assault craft /[`sR:l krB:ft/
² /lt/+/f/ a cult figure /[ kQl `fig[/
² /lt/+/s/ bolt spring /b[ul spriN/
² /lt/+/W/ insult three people /`insQl Wri: `pi l/
² /lt/+/F/ bolt shoulder /b[ul `F[uld[/
² /lt/+/tF/ bolt chisel /b[ul `tFizl/
² /lt/+/b/ assault boat /[`sR:l b[ut/
² /lt/+/d/ insult directly /`insQl di`rektli/
² /lt/+/g/ assault gun /[`sR:l gQn/
² /lt/+/v/ insult Vivian /`insQlt `vivi[n/
² /lt/+/z/ cult zeal /kQl zi:l/
² /lt/+/T/ insult the intelligence of audience /`insQl Ti in`telidV[ns/
² /lt/+/h/ insult her /`insQl h[:/
² /lt/+/dV/ insult George /`insQl dVR:dV/
² /lt/+/l/ cult leader / kQl `li:d[/
² /lt/+/m/ insult more /`insQl mR:/
² /lt/+/n/ insult nurse /`insQl n[:s/
² /lt/+/w/ bolt wire /b[ul `wai[/
² /lt/+/j/ insult Yankee /`insQl `jANki/
² /lt/+/r/ bolt retaining catch /b[ul ri`teiniN cAtF/
类型二:前一词以 “破音/擦音+ /t/ /d/“”结束,后一词以辅音开头,则其中/t/ /d/失音
/pt/+辅音 /kt/+辅音(如完结于skt则脱k而不是t) /tFt/+辅音 /bd/+辅音 /gd/+辅音 /dVd/+辅音 /Vd/+辅音
² /pt/+/p/ prompt payment /prRmp peim[nt/
² /pt/+/t/ abrupt turn /a`brQp t[:n/
² /pt/+/k/ kept quiet /kep kwai[t/
² /pt/+/f/ prompt for summary info /prRmp fR: `sQm[ri infR:/
² /pt/+/s/ abrupt stop / a`brQp stRp/
² /pt/+/W/ kept thinking /kep `WiNkiN/
² /pt/+/F/ prompt shipment /prRmp `Fipm[nt/
² /pt/+/tF/ abrupt change /a`brQp `tFeindVi/
² /pt/+/b/ prompt book /prRmp buk/
² /pt/+/d/ abrupt distribution /a`brQp distri`bju:F[n/
² /pt/+/g/ prompt goods /prRmp gudz/
² /pt/+/v/ swept valley /swep vAli/
² /pt/+/z/ kept zealous /kep `zelEs/
² /pt/+/T/ kept there /kep TZE/
² /pt/+/h/ kept her waiting /kep h[: `weitiN/
² /pt/+/dV/ abrupt junction /a`brQp `dVQNkF[n/
² /pt/+/l/ kept lots of evidence /kep lRts [v `evid[ns/
² /pt/+/m/ abrupt maneuver /a`brQp m[`nu:v[/
² /pt/+/n/ prompt note /prRmp n[ut/
² /pt/+/w/ jumped well /dVQmp wel/
² /pt/+/j/ kept yelling /kep `jeliN/
² /pt/+/r/ prompt renewal /prRmp ri`nju:[l/