If you are looking to create a little extra money on the side that could lead to a large business later, then you need to get started with information products. Info-products, or ebooks are digital solutions to certain questions or problems that customers have. Read on to find out how you can create them for free.
Information products are the best business on earth because you can operate it from anywhere in the world. You don't need any employees. You don't carry an inventory and your business operates without you having to be there to sell anything. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your products are selling themselves to customers all over the world. You can tell your family that you have started an international business right at your kitchen table.
In order to create your first product for free, you should go with a topic that you are very familiar with, maybe a job that you've had for years, or a hobby that you follow carefully. Your product should serve a niche big enough to be worth the time and energy in creating it. Make sure that you are making a product that people want. Don't create something and then try to convince people that they want it later.
You can create your product on any word processing program and then convert it to a PDF document with free software that you can get online. The product does not have to be as long as a novel. It can be a short report that tells the customer exactly what they need to do to solve the problem. People are always willing to pay for the right way to do something so they don't have to waste the time of trial and error themselves.
Once you have your product, you will need to create a web site and sales letter so that your customers will understand what it is that you are selling. Again, there are free sources online that can help you create a web site. Once the site is up, all you have to do is drive traffic to it, letting your target audience know that have a solution to their problem.
Your first product will not be the hottest seller on earth. In fact, most of your products will only have a few sales per month. However, information products are like little oil wells online. You set them up once and they keep making money for you. All you have to do is keep adding new products to your library and keep on selling.