1, “Agata Impex “”
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Electrical and electronics products.
Product description: computer.
Established in 1996. Number of Employees: 30.
Contact information:
Address and location: S-1b, Saxrisabzkaya str, Tashkent
Phone: (998 71) 1330500,1360784
Fax: (998 71) 1367902
Contact: Mr. Dkhovmik Khimangshu
Position: Director General
2, “Afrosiab-Granit “”
Private Industrial Enterprise
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Building and construction materials, sanitary engineering, glass, ceramic and procelain wares.
Product description: Granite polished slabs and granite products.
Established in 1999. Number of Employees: 29.
Contact information:
Address and location: 14, Bedil str.,Samarkand region, 703018, Samarkand
Phone: (998 662) 213338, 223009
Fax: (998 662) 223015
Contact: Mr. Erkin Kuliev
Position: Director
3, “Afrosiab-Meva “”
Joint Stock Company
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Agricultural products, food and beverages.
Product description: Agricultural products, tomato paste and juice concentrates.
Established in 2000. Number of Employees: 148.
Contact information:
Address and location: 2, Uvaysiy str., Samarkand region, 703018, Bulungur
Phone: (998 662) 336208, 223009, 75334
Fax: (998 662) 223015
Contact: Mr. Komil Kholmatov
Position: Director General
4, “Afrosiab-Mramor “”
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Building and construction materials, sanitary engineering, glass, ceramic and procelain wares.
Product description: Marble polished slabs and marble products.
Established in 1997. Number of Employees: 39.
Contact information:
Address and location: 275a, Spitamen str.,Samarkand region, 703018, Samarkand
Phone: (998 662) 210783, 223009
Fax: (998 662) 223015
Contact: Mr. Yuriy Arzumanov
Position: Director
5, “Akhangarancement “”
Joint Stock Company
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Building and construction materials, sanitary engineering, glass, ceramic and procelain wares.
Product description: Cement, slabs, cotton wool.
Established in 1961. Number of Employees: 1943.
Contact information:
Address and location: Promzona, Tashkent region, 702430, Akhangaran
Phone: (998 7164) 52932
Fax: (998 7164) 52932
Contact: Mr. Mukhitdin Muratov
Position: Chairman of Board
6, “Akhangaranshifer “”
Joint Stock Company
Type of Business: Producer, Importer.
Industry: Building and construction materials, sanitary engineering, glass, ceramic and procelain wares.
Product description: Roofing slates, asbestos pipes.
Established in 1992. Number of Employees: 788.
Contact information:
Address and location: Promzona, Tashkent region, 732431, Akhangaran
Phone: (998 7164) 51466
Fax: (998 7164) 56423
Contact: Mr. Ergashali Umirzakov
Position: Chairman of Board
7, “Almalyk Mining And Metallurgical Complex “”
Joint Stock Company
Type of Business: Producer, Exporter, Importer.
Industry: Products of mining industry and metal processing.
Product description: Cathode copper, zinc, cadmium, tellurium, copper vitriol, metal.
Established in 1947. Number of Employees: 18686.
Contact information:
Address and location: 53, Amir Temur str., Tashkent region, 702400, Almalyk
Phone: (998 7161) 51220, 1202060, 1202028
Fax: (998 7161) 33377
Contact: Mr. Genadiy Prokhorenko
Position: Director General