What is the authentic happiness? What is the meaning of life ?Such as this kind of question is not a stupid one.It is a philosophy question.I am sure that everyone of us had to meet the same questionnaire in our earlier lives.But I think everyone can give us a totally different definition about happiness according to his own experience.
Happiness is the supreme goal of human beings,the meaning of life depends on it.Happiness is just as a touchstone of our souls.All these are made by God!That is why we can't find the exactly definition on happiness in the text book.So if somebody asks you this question.You can define it whatever you can according to your personal experience.That is the real reason we can make our lives joyful and colourful.
God is fair to everyone.The purpose of life is to be happy.But how to obtain happiness it is not free it requires painstaking hard working and courage.From the moment of birth,every human being wants happiness and struggles for it.
Normally happiness can be found and be felt in the following aspects in our daily life:
Happiness is deeply linked to our wisdom and our philosophy of life.Without love and friendship there is no happiness.Only the soul that loves is happy.There is one only happiness in life:to love and be loved.
Happiness is not easy to obtain but it also is not eternal or permanent.Pain and cruelty are always peeping into our lives.So we are never as happy or unhappy as we imagine.
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.Working is worship,only working is happiness.Please enjoy and cherish what we have owned today.It is called authentic happiness.
Zhaolin Yuan
Man can climb to the highest summits,but he can't dwell there long.The meaning of happiness is a metaphor.