对方寄了样品,说明很有诚意和你合作,即使对方说价格高了,也不要说做不来,以此把他推向别的厂家,价格和订单数量是联系在一起的,重要的是怎么谈,沟通的问题! 如果对方对产品的制作流程不专业,你怎么说他都是不明白的,所以变相多谈些价格的优惠条款。同时千万要表现出你对他项目的强烈兴趣,不然他怎么相信你可以把他的产品做好!
个人拙见: ... Thanks for your feedback to our offer at GGG50 yesterday.And we understand your feeling that the price was high. Frankly, We offer the price depending on the quality of your original sample,which was dispatched from you directly few days ago!We ranged the sample at high qulity grade, and guessed these products will be sold at high quality consuming market.So we offered a reasonable,favourable and practical price , compared to normal price level condition in the same or similar industry. Sincerely, We are interested in this projects indeed, and hope to set up long business relates with you from now on!We make a bit profits ,even the price is not enough to make up for the products cost!If your tiral order quantity can be up to .....we may cut ?%.Is that acceptable? Hope your kind and swift reply with business opportunities! ..................
I am tired of reading your words...... can you make it easier to read,just adjst the size of character and leave space ,please ? I hope you don't mind my suggestion.....